my suggestions for the next album


Aug 31, 2002
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I'm sure I'll like whatever the band comes up with, but even so, I might as well suggest the things that would make it perfect for me. :)

1. More guitar solos in the line of Accolade 2, Communion and the Oracle, and the long instrumental of DWOT, and less in the style of King of Terrors.

2. More classical adaptations, like the Bach prelude used in the solo of Dressed to Kill, or like Masquerade.

3. My biggest suggestion, and my one real complaint about the band. Mr. Pinnella is a great keyboardist, but every time I hear one of his solos, I think it would sound 1000 times better if he used a realistic piano sound instead of the artificial synthesizer sound. I think there are some instances where a synth sound can work, but in most cases, the rich tone of a piano is best.

All in my opinion, of course. Disagree if you will. :)
I can assure you that your suggestions will affect precisely dick on the next album :D

Since we are going with personal oppinion and suggestions, they should boot rullo and get nick barker in the band to do pure blast beats. Then russ should sing some death metal vox while lepond plays the bassoon. Pinella should play a pipe organ, but only "the entertainer". Romeo should just stop playing guitar because other threads have proven that he is eather simply only as good or less talented than Yngwie, George Lynch, and that guy from Journey. Finally, rullo should make a cameo on the album cover dressed in a chicken suit and selling french fries outside of a denny's. Well guys, make it happen!!!
theodyssey said:
I can assure you that your suggestions will affect precisely dick on the next album :D

Since we are going with personal oppinion and suggestions, they should boot rullo and get nick barker in the band. Then russ should sing some death metal vox while lepond plays the bassoon. Pinella should play a pipe organ, but only the entertainer. Romeo should just stop playing guitar because other threads have proven that he is eather simply only as good or less talented than Yngwie, George Lynch, and that guy from Journey. Finally, rullo should make a cameo on the album cover dressed in a chicken suit and selling french fries outside of a denny's. Well guys, make it happen!!!

Throw in the return of Rod Tyler and we have ourselves a masterpeice...
That would rule if Nick Barker joined the band. My only problem with his is he doesnt double pedal enough. I mean, double pedaling for 9/10 of the song is alright i guess, but he should really try and do some more.
yeah. they should boot romeo and get the guitarist from spiral architect to play because he can play in 45.9/12 in a phrygian c major mode of death flat and a half. That shit rules. they shouild start doing that.
theodyssey said:
yeah. they should boot romeo and get the guitarist from spiral architect to play because he can play in 45.9/12 in a phrygian c major mode of death flat and a half. That shit rules. they shouild start doing that.

I heard he was gonna replace Galder in Dimmu.
Technetium said:
I'm sure I'll like whatever the band comes up with, but even so, I might as well suggest the things that would make it perfect for me. :)

1. More guitar solos in the line of Accolade 2, Communion and the Oracle, and the long instrumental of DWOT, and less in the style of King of Terrors.

2. More classical adaptations, like the Bach prelude used in the solo of Dressed to Kill, or like Masquerade.

3. My biggest suggestion, and my one real complaint about the band. Mr. Pinnella is a great keyboardist, but every time I hear one of his solos, I think it would sound 1000 times better if he used a realistic piano sound instead of the artificial synthesizer sound. I think there are some instances where a synth sound can work, but in most cases, the rich tone of a piano is best.

All in my opinion, of course. Disagree if you will. :)
I'll disagree, the synth sounds on Ayreon albums are rich. It's just someone needs a dedicated solo synth. ;)

BTW, have you noticed organs are somewhat rare on SymX albums? Any idea why?
Don't forget the inner sleeve photos of Russ in full medieval regalia, soon to be worn on stage during The Accolades...and he also needs to do death metal vocals. There are also rumors that the keyboard and drums will consist mostly of leftover backing tracks from the first album.
Well, personally, I think it could use a little more cowbell!
Yeah, the next album will actally be a collaboration with Scooter, plus a number of other techno artists.....Oh, and you`re wrong, Britney Spears will be doing the female vocals.



oh. how bout the guy from journey who is just as talented as romeo? No, he is dude. Lonnietate said so! or was it heavymetalliker?

Do you worship David Spade or something? Seriously man, is your room just covered wall to wall in David Spade posters? Just because you are built like him and look like him doesn't mean you have to totally steal the personality of his on-screen persona. :erk:

Neither one of us said Neil Schon was necessarily better than Romeo. HeavyMetalLiker made the post so I'll let him answer if he wants. :err:

See ya later Finch :wave:
David spade? Where the fuck did that obscure reference come from? And how the fuck do you know what I look like? This is getting creepy...

Anyway, since lonnietate can't take a joke..... Hahahahahahaha

Like I was saying, brittney spears would kick ass as a female vocalist, once they start writing porn grooves.