my superior 1 vs. superior 2 comparison


Jul 16, 2008
So i got superior 2 last night and i redid the drums for one of my songs:

Superior 1 version is titled 'tenant', superior 2 is 'tenant(superior2)' if you hadn't figured it out. I'm sure i could have done a better job mixing both versions, but hopefully some of you will find this comparison useful.


I personally prefer the kick on the original version better. I think it sounds better for fast double bass stuff. The 2.0 kicks definitely sound way more real and organic. I would love to use it for some post-rock kinda stuff. Same goes for the hats. I prefer the ones on the original for this style of music. The rest of the kit blows 1.0 out of the water.

The bleed options are a little confusing. They have a lot of control when you're running it as a software instrument, but don't seem to have any effect when you bounce (just like superior 1). I could have sworn i read in the manual that you could isolate the kick without having to bounce it separately.

With the original one, i bounced the kick separately so there was no bleed through the other mics. I didn't do this with the 2.0 version, which i definitely need to try out and see how it sounds.

There are definitely some bugs in the program (with logic 8 at least). It kept crashing my session several times repeatedly. I realized it always happened in the mixer window when i was messing with the bleed options. I managed to work my way around it, but it is definitely a major issue. It also crashed once while bouncing. I'm running it on a macbook pro with 4gigs of ram. Hopefully toontrack will fix this soon.
Definately S2.0...
I even prefer the overheads...
It sounds alot more open..
The kick is really good but yeah, in the blasts, i felt it kinda got lost and wasn't working perfectly in the double bass parts either (maybe bring up the kick level in those parts a few dB.. i think that might work)