My thoughts on the game

I don't seem to see any Roman infantry after Marian Reforms that are any good at going against cav. Perhaps the Urban Cohorts? I haven't gotten them yet.

And about you not having problems with squalor; have you played through much of the campaign yet? From what I gather from boards, it certainly isn't just me that's having major problems with squalor in late game. There is even a mod that quells the squalor problem because most are thinking it's a bug. There should be some other way than waiting until the city rebels, then exterminating the pop. Even the most advanced buildings only help for a while and they only help a little for that short time.

I have heard that CA loves the rebel aspect of these games so perhaps this is purposeful and just to keep you going toe-to-toe with rebels throughout?

Oh, and they still seriously need to fix some of the issues with unit pathing in the battle screen. Holy shit do they ever.
Yeah, they will fix it, they fixed most things in MTW so I think they will do the same now.
You can very easy kill off cavalry, you just have to stop them, once they are slowed down they will fall like flies.
Therefore using a heavy infantry like a legion would do the trick but they will suffer losses when the cavalry hit them.
And no, no squalor problem yet.
My cities are happy even the roman cities(I'm the germans btw).
Of course I slaughted everyone in the city.
And another thing...If one of your cities is taken, can it then rebel against whoever took it and just come back to you of it's own accord? The Spanish had taken a town of mine, then next turn, it was just mine again without any explaination.

And how many units are you all fielding? I try to keep things small scale so my larger cities don't have too much of a deficit. I often have between 40-50 units in the field and maybe a garrison at each town of maybe 4-7 town watch.
I am on the defensive right now in my Macedonian campaign. So my garrison are all full. Once (and if) I beat the Brutii, I will go on the offensive once again and take revenge on those damn Romans. Same with Thrace. Thrace sucks. They are fucking bastards. Especially with their fucking Falxmen. I think it is Thrace at least. Thrace has the snake/serpent in their banner right? I know Dacia has the Falxmen, but I do believe that they have a different banner. Oh well, I am almost positive it is Thrace. Fuckers.
Yes, Thrace has the snake banner. I have yet to go against them or Dacians so I don't know what these falxmen are. What I find annoying are chariots. I'm glad I just defeated the Brits so I don't have to fight their chariots anymore. I defeated them with an assassin too. They had three cities left but they had kept sending armies against me with family members in them so they only had 1 family member left. I had a 52% chance to kill him and when he died, all 3 British cities rebelled. :)

I like the feeling of being rewarded with unlocking defeated factions but after I'm done with Julii I'd like to play as somebody farther east. Perhaps I should move a small army over there and just take out the weak Parthian nation.

This game is fun. :)
I can't find any description of these Falxmen. What are they?

And yes, it seems to me that most factions along the Med have huge navies. One of the reasons I started with Julii is to avoid sea-going as much as possible. Currently, the Spanish are harrassing my pathetic navy and it's slowing me down in conquering them.

And about playing non-Roman fun is it with such a fewer number of unit and building options available to you? Is there a good sense of progress (by that I mean do you get at least 1 new unit type for every city level upgrade)? Can you actually compete with Rome?
The berserkers owns all.
A unit of 24 berserkers slaughterd a early legion cohort without taking any losses.
I have 2 german armies waiting outside the borders of rome ready to kickass but the senate keeps pulling out these huge armies out of nowhere and builds forts on the border.
This is gonna get nasty.
Thanatopsis123 said:
I can't find any description of these Falxmen. What are they?
They are basically fanatical barbarian people's of Dacia. The Falx is their weapon. It is an extremly sharp sword-like weapon that could cut a man in two with ease. They are extremly fierce mother fuckers. They are similar to the Berserkers.
Falxmen are pussies.
My axemen can easily kick their arse without any problem but I can imagine them being good against armored soldiers.
Most barbarian units gets a bonus when fighting against armored units.
So what can you do to get rid of diplomats in your territory? I've tried assassins but they always seem to have a horribly low chance of success.

And is there any way to lower the population in one of your cities without waiting until it rebels or creating mass amounts of units, taking them elsewhere, and disbanding them?
When I raise taxes, they just rebel. :)

Other than squalor though, I seem to be having a hard time advancing technologically while at the same time, keeping those large, advanced towns making money.

It's odd that I seemed to be making more money with a lesser overall population. Shouldn't I be making up for extra army costs with taxes being gotten from more people? I don't seem to get how finances work in this game.

The way things are going, I'm wondering how it's possible to have a large empire that isn't putting you into a huge deficit and rebelling like mad at the same time. My finances are only staying afloat because I've been exploiting the idiotic A.I. by selling them map information all the time.

Also, do buildings cost you anything after their already built? Do any of them drain your resources?
I don't know about the buildings.
My finances always goes to shits unless I manage to find someone to trade with.
Remember the larger the empire, the harder to maintain ;)