My tone


Messy booger
Oct 3, 2008
Sorry it's been aaaaaaaaaaaages since I've been back to actually post something which I'd promised to do a long time ago. It's actually taken me that long to iron out and dial this frigin amp in! It's a Mesa dual recto tubed with JJ's in the pre and power amp 6L6. Oversize recto cab mic'd with an SM57 on a little bit of an angle, not alot though. Guitars are loaded with EMG's and a boss SD1 in front of the amp.

The song is EOH by KSE which is where i've modelled the tone from. No bass guitar or vocals yet. Yes I am also aware of the sloppy lead part I did at the start too but haven't had time to fix that up yet. Only done some slight EQ and scooped a little of the 400 to 600hz range and went up in the 1.8 to 3k slightly. A low and high pass filter on the ends and that's pretty much it. I'll do bass and vocals soon and see how it comes up on the mix and post another later on.

Anyhow, that's what it is for now and I am pretty happy with the overall result after about 3 months of playing with the thing driving me totally insane!

Your tone sounds great. Very close to KSE's. Add some bass in there and it'll be sounding even better.

If you don't mind me asking, what were your settings? I've got a single recto and I'd like to try them out sometime.
Hmm, not bad, but very thin - add in a lot more bass, and probably move the mic more off-axis, and you should be good!
Funny though, from here it sounds boomy as! I tend not to touch the sub bass area too much but I'll crack at it soon. I'm not too keen on moving the mic too far off axis though. See how a bit more bottom end goes.

Contour: My settings regardless of what amp you're using won't really come out the same on another recto unless it's the dual recto 3 channel model. However, if you use my settings as a starting point it might help and go from there.

Guitar: Jackson Kelly loaded with EMG 85 in bridge, EMG 81 in neck.

Boss SD1 pedal: Level at 4 o clock, tone at 1 o clock and drive at 8 o clock

Mesa DR: Master 9 o clock, Gain 10:30, Presence 11 o clock, Bass 1 o clock, Mid 10 o clock, treble 11 o clock, channel 3 - modern mode, bold power, solid state rectification at 8 ohms running into a mesa recto cab oversized.

I very much doubt the sound will come anywhere near sounding the same as what I have unless the gear chain is totally identical. Either way, do post what ya have and we'll see how it comes up.

Honestly, I think it sounds fan-fucking-tastic. It might be a little boomy in the lows, but the tone slays.

Oh, also, since there's no bass yet, you can maybe cut back a little on the ultra lows around 50-100Hz. Just a bit.
Funny though, from here it sounds boomy as! I tend not to touch the sub bass area too much but I'll crack at it soon. I'm not too keen on moving the mic too far off axis though. See how a bit more bottom end goes.

Contour: My settings regardless of what amp you're using won't really come out the same on another recto unless it's the dual recto 3 channel model. However, if you use my settings as a starting point it might help and go from there.

Guitar: Jackson Kelly loaded with EMG 85 in bridge, EMG 81 in neck.

Boss SD1 pedal: Level at 4 o clock, tone at 1 o clock and drive at 8 o clock

Mesa DR: Master 9 o clock, Gain 10:30, Presence 11 o clock, Bass 1 o clock, Mid 10 o clock, treble 11 o clock, channel 3 - modern mode, bold power, solid state rectification at 8 ohms running into a mesa recto cab oversized.

I very much doubt the sound will come anywhere near sounding the same as what I have unless the gear chain is totally identical. Either way, do post what ya have and we'll see how it comes up.


Thanks man, I'll have to give these a try soon.

I'm well aware they aren't going to sound the same on my amp as yours I just like to try out other tones, and see if they sound good with my setup. I'm still looking for "the tone" with my amp so I'm trying everything I can think of.
With a Single Rec, I personally don't think you're ever gonna find "the tone" - I've tried playing one multiple times at my local Mesa dealer, and for all my tweaking I just found it buzzy and harsh. It was the annoying thing where the buzz would make me think I had some saturation going on, and yet I had so little sustain, cuz there wasn't really that much gain, the buzz just made it seem that way and any more gain only made it worse. :erk:

And Demolition, try the Orange channel dude, from what I've heard, you'll get much better results with it (this tone I find to be too scooped and thin, despite the fact that having the bass at 1 o'clock on a Recto is PLENTY)
Maybe it's the post processing attributing some of the thinness? I know Andy usually seems to favor a bit more low-mid in his tones and a tubescreamer would help in that regard over the SD1.

I think the core of the tone is quite good though. It's something that can be worked with, and that's the most important thing.

I'd aim for trying the orange mode though and seeing how useful that is for you. Otherwise maybe try my TS and crank the tone knob until it injects some mids in there for you. How does the second channel sound now with the new cab anyway? I recall modern mode on Chan 2 to be quite slaying.
It's funny reading through those settings by the way. I could've sworn we skimmed over something very similar with the Marshall cab, but it absolutely wouldn't give a usable tone. The presence was an absolute nightmare on that thing, and had to be kept down.
It's funny reading through those settings by the way. I could've sworn we skimmed over something very similar with the Marshall cab, but it absolutely wouldn't give a usable tone. The presence was an absolute nightmare on that thing, and had to be kept down.

Yep, that sounds like G12T75's to me!
Yeh the settings alone are fine. I should put a version of it up with no post EQ at all! There is some EQ done to the guitars there which could be attributing to things being perhaps worse off overall. I did try orange mode and it sounds like a dogs ass to be honest! It was all mud and way too dark. As Ermin said though, the tone is usable and can be worked with. That is the main part of it and without me spending anymore $$$ on gear, I think it's worth leaving for now. I'll post a test clip when I get time, this will be without any post EQ or filters on it at all to show the difference of what I had between the 2.

I'm just glad the Marshall nightmare is over for me and the presence can be used without insane amounts of buzzing and harshness in the tone overall. It's usable as it is and in different environments, would behave differently still. Only had the cab for over a week now so I still gotta get used to how it would function. A new pedal wouldn't go astray though but not right at the moment.
If you add bass, it'll be plenty of fatness, meat, and everything you'll ever need in a guitar sound. Don't change a thing.

And I'm talking bass, not low end EQ.
Right on! Bass is the right thing there however, everything I suppose is easier said than done but at least the opinions I got from good folks on the forum will help me hugely. It's really up to Ermin in the end to decide what's best for it when it comes time to mix the 'original' tracks rather than this test version cover which I'd done.

Thanks heaps!