My Top 25 of 2010 (spoiler- You Tube links galore)

I swear you did this list to punish me, Glenn. :lol: Seriously, it's just incredibly ironic that almost all of these albums - Triosphere, Masterplan, Engel, Aspera, Agalloch, Grand Magus, Cloverseeds, Creation's End, Sinbreed, Haken, Persefone, Vanden Plas, Anathema, Seventh Wonder and Kingcrow are on my to-buy list. It's not even like I haven't bought a shitload of discs this year, but for some reason I've delayed my purchases of these for other discs...such as the new JOP (which I must say I was completely disappointed in). I think a lot of it has to do with my interest in power metal was greater than my interest in prog this year, considering most of those are prog-oriented bands.

24. Masterplan- Time to be King: The only thing weighing it down is Jorn's facial hair. He remains a vocal God.

I think the main reason I haven't picked this one up is while I like what I've heard from them previously, I don't have any of their discs and from what I hear, this isn't their best.

23. Treat- Coup de Grace: The best FM radio puss rock released this year. "All killer, no filler, baby!"

One of two on the list I haven't heard of before, the other being Juvaliant. I'm very intrigued, so thanks for the heads up on those.

18. Pretty Maids- Pandemonium: Eddie Trunk and I miss the 80's.

This is THE band that's mentioned on the board that I absolutely hate. Not dissing your tastes, I just have never and probably will never understand the appeal.

12. Flotsam & Jetsam- The Cold: I don't know what happened to the dude, but some woman must have ripped out his heart and stomped on his nuts. I thought we would get something about his dog dying as well, but...

Most surprising album of the year for me. I was not expecting this to be what it was.

8. Tarja- What Lies Beneath: Total shocker. I thought her debut sucked. This is great and she sounds fantastic. However, the Whitesnake cover remains an abomination. WTF Tarja?

To be honest, this was on pre-order along with The Sword's Warp Riders and deleted it from my order because I figured I was kidding myself that this was going to be any good, considering I too thought the debut solo sucked. After hearing that clip though, I may have to check this out. As for the cover, I think she needs to avoid doing those because her cover of Cooper's "Poison" was one of the worst things I've heard in years.

4. Kamelot- Poetry for the Poisoned: I must be listening to a different cd than everyone else. They are at the top of their game as far as I'm concerned. I'll take the dark goths over the Arabian belly dancers.

I'm another one of those who finds this disc to just be okay. I like that they went darker again, but for me, nothing is memorable here.
This is THE band that's mentioned on the board that I absolutely hate. Not dissing your tastes, I just have never and probably will never understand the appeal.

Pretty Maids is kind of hit and miss for me, but Pandemonium is largely a hit.

Here's one of my favorite tracks from the disc .... No One Left Alive ... On "Cielo Drive".


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I'm actually going through all of the vids, and I am REALLY digging Engel, and wondering why Sabaton didn't make the list.

I personally thought it was a very poor album. I love their past efforts, but their newest ranks up there as one of the biggest disappointments of the year for me, along with the new JOP and Gamma Ray.
I am glad you liked the Anathema, Glenn... I agree that it's really uplifting and beautiful record... Some of their fans gave them crap for being a bit too happy, but I think it's honest and great.
Great list, especially the first mention #25 - Triosphere.....
I'd love to see them at the festival, and I'm sure they'd like to come play for us. I'd even be the band's bitch for the weekend, and wear a gimp suit....:lol:
(as long as Wayne says it's ok....:heh:)
Can I get the Persefone as an instrumental? :-) Love the music but those vocals are horrible.

I am shocked you didn't include Orphaned Land's Orwarrior album.
Sigh... This thead just furthers my belief that there is just too damn much metal to keep up with... Back to the new cd grindstone for me.
Wow, I like nine discs on your list: Triosphere, Engel, Grand Magus, Pretty Maids, Creation's End, Flotsam & Jetsam, Overkill, Accept, Blind Guardian. Plus, I have not yet listened to the new Seventh Wonder.

I thought I might see Alter Bridge on your list. Too bad Heaven Below's EP is subpar. I do not even know if I like it. Another listen will tell the tale. Same goes for Hardcore Superstar. At least Disturbed came through again for me, and Taking Dawn is still kicking my ass.
I do find it interesting that Voyager's new album doesn't rate among your best, considering next year's lineup.

It is very interesting that I do not own any of your top 25, tho many in the top 10 are on my wishlist. (Kingcrow, Vanden Plas, Blind Guardian, Tarja, Anathema, Seventh Wonder) I'm probably one of the few on here who likes Tarja's first album (Not a great album, but there are some good songs on it.)
That TREAT CD is next to ungodly. I have nearly warped mine from playing it so much.

SINBREED was weird for me. I bought it several months ago, gave a couple of spins and set it aside. Meh, not much there. However, on a whim the other night I put it back in and swore someone had changed CDs on me!!!! That's a great CD!