My tribute to CS


Sep 10, 2001
not there
Once I heard a word, but it was empty.
Once I heard a sound, but it was silent.

How can an empty word be filled?
How can silence be heard?

The answers to the above exist!
Cause I ‘ve heard them.
They whisper: “Death is my life”
And the control of the winds upon them is denied.

They reached me by spirit. And healed it.
While my thoughts individually create their owns patterns,
I scream. Shout at the bloody gore around me!
While you and I like lepers wander about,
There is this symbol we must decipher.
A symbolic whisper of all our unconfessed hopes and fears!

But no fears!
You will recognize this sound on the spot!
For it is a sound unique!
The sound of perseverance…

You have started to live forever...