My triops have failed. :(


Nov 9, 2001
So I just wrote to Triops Inc. to try and get them to send me replacement eggs. Also I added them to my buddy list so I can IM them when they sign on. (AIM name - triopsinc).

I hope so - I mean, from their website it seems that they genuinely live for Triops - and if replacing my triops eggs for free will help their proliferation, I bet they'd do it.

Toby, how long did you wait?

i too, thought that my triops were a no-show. as per my established process of doing things, i hesitated a few weeks before tossing the water out.

lo and behold, three weeks (or was it four? this was years ago) after giving up, a lumpy monster became visible, skimming under the scum liquid, as prescribed in the directions...

i say, don't give up the boat just yet
i'm trying to remember. i don't think i fed it (singular) anything!

and here's the thing that amazed me. i was seeing ALL kinds of stuff swimming around in there, during the brief time period before i wrote triops #1 off. i'm more than sure i saw a brine shrimp or two, plus other indescribable creatures. look closely. i think that's the triops food, they just don't say that.

then all movement stopped. that's when i was ready to dump the tank out.

and, i recall the instructions and the box telling you that there will be a multiple triops birth. that's misleading. both times i hatched, there was only one triops baby survivor.