My trip


Oct 20, 2004
Denver, CO
So last week for spring break my mom flew me out to New York City to visit her for the week. The city is pretty damn amazing but there's no way in hell I would want to live there. I picked up a
while I was there. It's probably not the best guitar ever but hey for $150, you can't go wrong with a neck-thru. It should come in the mail today, it was too big for a carry on. I'll post a few pics of it when it comes and pics of my trip later on when I get a chance to upload a few to some place.
NYC is the shit, how was ure trip otherwise?

the axe looks damn sweet, how is playability/look/sound?
It was an awesome trip except for the plane trip back. I'm 6'2 so planes aren't comfortable for me in the first place. I was first in the aisle and everybody's seats were fine, then this fat old short lady comes up and bitches about i'm in her seat. So I get kicked out of it and put in the middle, for the entire trip, my legs were basically in my face.


My mom and I with New York in the background.


Me standing next to the replica of the Statue of Liberty's face.


But the guitar puts my old one to shame which isn't very hard to do. It's awesome to play, I love the look of it but the sound isn't too great. I want to replace the pickups here shortly when I get the cash but I don't know what to yet. They are humbuckers so I was thinking some Dimarzio super distortion and a x2n(?). Anybody have any tips on what I should do? Anyways heres some pics of it.



Not a very high quality guitar but at least you'll look cool with it. If you want to make the axe your project then go for it and install some new pick ups.