My very first mix and threat on this forum


New Metal Member
Nov 5, 2014
Who are you threatening? :D

Jokes aside, very good for a first mix imo. Still some stuff that needs to be fixed, but totally listenable.
Keep it going!
Thank you guys :)

Yes the Snare got this Machine-Gun effect now, the kick was overpresent when I raised it up and I felt that it was killing the mix. gonna experiment with it a bit more...
Funnywise I'm not that satisfied with the guitars.

I've done a mix before with more dynamic drums, what sounded more like black metal production a la wolves in the throne room and actualy fittet it a bit better imo An Tursa - Bannockburn_Master.mp3?dl=0

And if you got Time and Motivation, can you please tell me on which topic I need to work especially? (what to be fixes in the first place)