My WTB/FS list!

Nov 6, 2006
Taylor, MI
Want to buy
-Pair of drum overhead mics
Something like Rode NT5, Oktava Mk-012
-DI box
Countryman prefferably or something comparable
-Reamp box
Cuniberti, Little labs, Radial
-M-Audio Profire 2626
(Have to sell my Firestudio first)
-Behringer ada8000
(for expanded inputs for triggers)

For Sale
Presonus Firestudio 26x26

I can't afford all of this right now but I figure the thread will be up for a while.
The things I need most are the overhead mics, the behringer ada8000 and a DI box

Let me know if any of you can help me out!
Thanks guys
Yeah I posted on your ad. I'm trying to get a few of these things and don't have a ton of cash as of now. We have contact through aim so I'll update you when I get some more cash flow