Myspace Beta Profile?

dunno about the beta version being able to switch back.

for the player. take all the music off of your player and then have someone make you a layout ontop of the myspace player and have them code in the soundclick player
MySpace won't let me revert back to the old profile. Is it still possible to remove the player and use the Soundclick player?


remove the music player under "customize profile" ...then add an html module (and drag the module where you want).

then embed your soundclick player into the html module.
Have you heard about the latest news about Myspace? Well, they are remodelling their site to a beta version. Their aim is to fight and keep up with the real-time advancing social network gurus such as Twitter and Facebook. So guys, you can expect from today onwards new features on MySpace. They're really exciting.
Have you heard about the latest news about Myspace? Well, they are remodelling their site to a beta version. Their aim is to fight and keep up with the real-time advancing social network gurus such as Twitter and Facebook. So guys, you can expect from today onwards new features on MySpace. They're really exciting.


reminds me of those "real people" on infomercials

myspace is basically dead, and quickly killing off the only thing it has left(the music pages) by pissing off the bands(i've had "all new mixes" stuck next to my name for months now).
All myspace is doing now is essentially trying to gather up its spilled guts and intestines from the gaping wound that facebook and twitter gave it in The War of the Internets.
It's a shame cause Myspace was really cool for bands, I got to know a handfull of really cool bands that way. Facebook is shit for band pages though, it seriously sucks
it seems everything they try to do to make it 'better' makes it worse, and more fucking annoying. you cant change your name now? what the fuck. i gave up on myspace when they stopped letting you change your URL
It's an annoyance, and as one writer put it, at this point Myspace is just polishing a turd, but bands that have maintained Myspace pages are still getting good traffic via Google searches.

You'd have to be nuts (or a masochist, or one of those bands with a name like ^^^~3L) to keep it as your primary web presence, but for a free searchable resource, it's still pretty viable. Recently I questioned whether or not setting up a Myspace for my new band was even worth it, but it seems like it's still a no-brainer as long as a lot of time and effort isn't invested over things like Twitter, a CMS-based site, etc.

Does anyone know if Myspace still blocks PayPal buttons? Above everything else, THAT pissed me off the most about all their changes.
the only way myspace will survive in any decent way is if it stops pissing off the bands that still use it. It's still far superior to Facebook's band pages, but now lacks the user base to back it.

I don't understand why Facebook doesn't do more to cater to bands. They could easily finish off myspace with a few changes to the band pages.
The beta profile works fine for me. havent changed my bands page yet but another one, and it work better than the old one for me.
need to get used to the change though ,and theres some small little things that are a bit annoying, like no transperent box background...but seriously, nobody needs to customized shit as anssi stated.
and an "uncustomized" beta profile still looks better than an uncostomized old profile.
I use myspace as cheap bandhomepage. but I never saw more in it than this^^