
SAO, how in the world is it possible to have breasts like that at such a small body fat percentage? isn't that like a genetic deformity? (LOL not that I or anybody else is complaining but whatever)
I don't do the myspace thing because I don't wish to become the prey of an internet predator.

However I am on facebook: Andrew Stanton. Philadelphia / Bucks CCC, picture of MacArthur for an avatar.
I will be honest, I rejected OhioGrinder...

Not because I openly dislike him, I could care less... However, I found that the little flash thing of Seung-Hui Cho. Not cool. A really good friend that I grew up with was murdered at the Virginia Tech massacre. Now, I understand that the chances of knowing somebody who knew somebody were about one in a million, but I still think it's a really crappy little thing to have. I mean, my friend was totally kick ass. He was involved with the military and was going on to be an elite member of the Air Force after graduation, but when Cho entered into his French classroom, he ran towards Cho, blocking other students from the gunfire, and ultimately sacrificing himself. Just against principles to add somebody with that on their page. I'm being really sensitive... but I think I have a right to.

Not to say that Ohio is a bad person, though. No problems with him personally. Just that damned graphic.
Wow, I was thinking about adding Sao to my My Space but she seems to be just another bitchy girl, gezzz they never end nowadays and I'm dead sick of them. Her boobs are nice though, but she seems to be as bitchy as hell after those last two posts.
Wow, I was thinking about adding Sao to my My Space but she seems to be just another bitchy girl, gezzz they never end nowadays and I'm dead sick of them. Her boobs are nice though, but she seems to be as bitchy as hell after those last two posts.

Excuse me, how does stating that I find something offensive because it refers to the guy who killed my friend (in an extremely joking fashion....) come across as bitchy? I'm entitled to that, and I think anybody is equally as entitled.
Wow, I was thinking about adding Sao to my My Space but she seems to be just another bitchy girl, gezzz they never end nowadays and I'm dead sick of them. Her boobs are nice though, but she seems to be as bitchy as hell after those last two posts.

And your a bitchy little closet-gay christian who listens to In Flames and gives the preist fellatio on sundays.

OMG I GOIG TO H3LL!!!!1!!!111!!!!!


OMFG I R SINN3R!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!11!!!!!

Shut the fuck up you worthless little bag of horse manure. The day of your birth is a scar on humanity and an insult to your ancestors.
Excuse me, how does stating that I find something offensive because it refers to the guy who killed my friend (in an extremely joking fashion....) come across as bitchy? I'm entitled to that, and I think anybody is equally as entitled.

Susan I think there is something seriously wrong with him. I.E. I don't think he's just willfully ignorant but that he has some kind of learning deficiency or something. I've only encountered maybe 1 or 2 people in my entire life who have fewer critical thinking skills and ability to understand points and arguments.