
Susan I think there is something seriously wrong with him. I.E. I don't think he's just willfully ignorant but that he has some kind of learning deficiency or something. I've only encountered maybe 1 or 2 people in my entire life who have fewer critical thinking skills and ability to understand points and arguments.

I have gotten As in history, earth science, economics, and government. Prooven false.

Excuse me, how does stating that I find something offensive because it refers to the guy who killed my friend (in an extremely joking fashion....) come across as bitchy? I'm entitled to that, and I think anybody is equally as entitled.

Everybody jokes about big things like that, it's just a picture, denying someone just because of a picture is stupid. Denying Dave also shows that your a highly judgemental bitchy woman because there's nothing wrong with him, as prooven by you putting up your My Space you just put it up there so you can deny however many people you feel like.

Edit: "excuse me" sounds really mean to me, also, most of the mean girls use that phrase.
I have gotten As in history, earth science, economics, and government. Prooven false.

Yesm I guess you've prooven yourself.

Everybody jokes about big things like that, it's just a picture, denying someone just because of a picture is stupid. Denying Dave also shows that your a highly judgemental bitchy woman because there's nothing wrong with him, as prooven by you putting up your My Space you just put it up there so you can deny however many people you feel like.

Prooven quite well to. :rolleyes:

Edit: "excuse me" sounds really mean to me, also, most of the mean girls use that phrase.

And most of the english speaking population as well aspeople with manners.
sao is actually very cool and modest and not stuck up at all considering how unbelievably gorgeous she is.

the fact that she is dating this adam jones guy is a testament to that. Most women here who look like that don't even talk to you unless you are driving a mercedes.
:lol: Blue Jay is in Community College now. And now I finally got to see King Richard's girlfriend because of this thread. :p She is nice looking. :)
I picture Blue_Jay a character. Being played by someone who gets to laugh a tad more than the average GMDian. The same goes for Paddy.
Blue Jay's so true to Christianity that when he gets laid, he'll substitute condoms for pages of the Bible, because "the power of Christ compelled him to."