Myspace/PayPal merch sales?


Ultimate Meatbag
Sep 2, 2001
Spokane, WA
I noticed more and more bands are selling merch on thier myspace pages using links from PayPal. I must not be looking for the *right* perameters, but I'm wanting to be able to integrate the same idea into my bands page.

Anyone who has this on thier page, would you be willing to guide me towards setting something like this up?
We do it, and it's GREAT!

If you have a paypal account already set up, all you have to do it make a "button". It should be listed under the Merchant Services heading on the paypal site - I think you have to be logged in for it to show up.

Once you fill out the form (price, shipping cost, item #, etc.) it generates a code that you insert into your Myspace layout. You have to know a little bit about code to do this. If you have edited your Myspace page through using codes, then it should be easy.
Ok, so if I may get a little personal...

Did you open this account with *your* card, or did you guys open a card together to use the account for? I'm kinda skeptical about using my card for a band paypal account, but then again I never have any money in it. I've been so used to being on a cash basis with the band...
Well, the only time you would ever access your card is would be if YOU were buying something, but I have mine set up differently. It never accesses a credit card, but my bank info is in there, so it draws from that if need be.

I already had a paypal account for myself to use for online purchases, and just created the buttons through my personal account.

All the money comes into my account (to me), but I handle most all aspects of the band business and money, so it makes it easier for me. I just withdraw into my bank account and turn the money over to the band when necessary.