Myspace profile bulltshit?

im not sure if this is the place to post this, but i figured most people in a band have a myspace

k so my band a few years ago was just for fun playing local shows had a stupid band name we were like 16 whatever. Now we have a few new members and are working really hard writing an album (that i am recording/producing :D). And we want to change our myspace name, i go to change it like you always could and NOPE. they don't let you change it anymore :S? if i make a new band page it means i loose all the "friends" and the networking and all my profile views plays etc. also with these new "upgraded profiles" it seems as if you cant do any html coding which means no custom myspace designs :S?

anybody know anything about this crap? how to fix it/change it?
I think myspace is just trying to finish itself off. They've already made it an even more frustrating experience just to add dates to your calendar for music myspaces.
The only thing keeping that site together is that bands still use it. That will soon change, i'm sure.
Myspace is actually due to a major overhaul in the next months. Strategic reorientation and relaunch. The ownership structure of the platform is quite a bit in limbo lately, so that's a reason for things moving only slowly ahead. Anyway, the coming months, maybe to the end of next year, will be essential for the platform's future... or eventual demise.

Taking the current market into account, they might very well be better off targeting a niche market again, like they did in the beginning when the platform was more music-centred.
Well dude, from and IT point of view, I think they better not let you change the name, because it's hassle free for them.
I know it sucks, even me did that some time ago, but I fully respect them knowing the aspects of maintening a site like that.
How many sites do let you change the username? not so many.
what? do you mean the url or really the band name, like, if you have written the band name, and (NEW ALBUM OUT) in brackets you can't get rid of it now?

myspace has really degenerated somehow, there was a time when you could easily find new stuff to listen to on myspace, i remember a few years ago when i just wanted to listen to music i would just go to myspace, and type in the genres, and instantly find something that is new to me

the search function on myspace is totally retarded now, you can't search for genres anymore and also you can't search for regions (used to be quite handy for finding bands for exchange gigs)
what? do you mean the url or really the band name, like, if you have written the band name, and (NEW ALBUM OUT) in brackets you can't get rid of it now?

yup!, my old band name is stuck with (NEW SONG UP) and the old band name. they say you can "email them" to change it once incase you have something like that in your name but i doubt they will ever respond or change it. ive emailed them about things before never got even like a computer response.
Yeah fuck man, MySpace is just utter chaos these days. I've wanted a 'pro' looking layout for a few months now that I have a full band, but to be honest keeping it amateur looking seems to be more beneficial.

I can't log in without being bombarded with images of the latest hipster fucks, which is basically a big poster for society saying "FIND THESE PEOPLE COOL OR WE'LL MAKE SURE YOU HAVE NO FRIENDS!". Then I'll log in. No messages? Oh no wait here's one... ok it's another band saying thanks for the add... oh what's this? A notification? Oh, it's an invite to a show in New York tonight... probably won't be able to make it since I'M IN THE FUCKING UK YOU CUNT!!!

It just all seems so arbitrary and chaotic that nobody can possibly be heard. It's the exact reason I haven't yet made our page look even semi-pro, because who's gonna fuckin look at it? Even if they did get to look at it their browser would probably crash from the Flash overload :lol: