"Mystery producer remixes Death Magnetic"

you know, the online petition for remixing this cd is actually close to 10,000 signatures already, in like 11 days or whatever. I've seen Andy's name pop up in the comments a LOT of times already

I wonder how many signatures it would take to actually make someone in the Metallica camp or their management take notice
probably a lot more than 10K ;)

Also, an online petition is about the most useless way of trying to enact change. I would be willing to bet a good 75% of the "signatures" couldn't really give 2 shits about the sound quality, IF they even know what they are talking about.
probably a lot more than 10K ;)

Also, an online petition is about the most useless way of trying to enact change. I would be willing to bet a good 75% of the "signatures" couldn't really give 2 shits about the sound quality, IF they even know what they are talking about.

Uhhh... :rolleyes: ... I would disagree. I have friends that are basically tone-deaf and could literally "give 2 shits about the sound quality" on other albums, but they have gone out of their way to explicitly damn this album for sounding like shit. I seriously DON'T think those that don't care about the sound quality would take the time to sign a petition -- why would they do it if they don't give 2 shits? :lol:

Anyone who thinks the sound quality on this album is good probably HAS hearing aides; and thus is the reason they're used to hearing everything at loudness + loudness + loudness + loudness. :lol:
Maybe i'm deaf, but this mix doesn't sound that different than just the plain GH3 version. :confused: ??

Hmmm... this is the version from the Demonoid torrent, but the difference wasn't as huge as I was expecting either.

It definitely sounds a little better though, and louder too. :kickass:
That's definitely not the regular GH3 mix- that's the one I have on my iPod rather than the CD version- this is definitely compressed a bit more, and the drums sound fuller, at least through my computer speakers here at work. I'd have to A/B the two to really compare all the differences... someone did tweak this a fair bit.

It sounds faster, too. :kickass:
Uhhh... :rolleyes: ... I would disagree. I have friends that are basically tone-deaf and could literally "give 2 shits about the sound quality" on other albums, but they have gone out of their way to explicitly damn this album for sounding like shit. I seriously DON'T think those that don't care about the sound quality would take the time to sign a petition -- why would they do it if they don't give 2 shits? :lol:

Anyone who thinks the sound quality on this album is good probably HAS hearing aides; and thus is the reason they're used to hearing everything at loudness + loudness + loudness + loudness. :lol:

You're right. The mob mentality and bandwagoning that exists on the net and forums, etc. doesn't come into play at all? "signing" an online petition doesn't really take much time. And, if you see it circulating among a bunch of peeps on a message board, it isn't hard to follow along, lemming mentality and all. Plus, bashing Metallica in any shape or form has been the "in" thing to do, even while we're scooping up their latest offering.

I'm not siding with anyone on this, and I think the album sounds pretty bad (I have not DL'd it, nor do I plan on buying it). But, I highly doubt that Metallica, their management, or their label are caring much about an online petition (aka a bunch of noobs whining on the internet*)


You know, if Metallica DID remix this because of some online petition, I'd lose much more respect from those goobs for kowtowing to a bunch on goons on the net.
LOL owned!!! Please can we have the whole album like this? I would have listened to the whole thing again and again if it were like this. Goes to show they fucked this album royal picking rubin and his minions