"Mystery producer remixes Death Magnetic"

I've been wondering lately though if with some strict vocal training he could come close...perhaps real close....

i don`t think that would work. the thing that is - although mentioned a few times - underestimated, is the change he went through when he was cured from alcoholism through a therapy. everybody who takes such a therapy serious will come out as a "new" human being. In his case this direction is pretty much the exact opposite of what his (aggressive) singing style was about.
I think he just learned to sing, to control his voice and not pull out everything on every sentence, so he could survive those extensive shows/tours without relying on too much products. I remember him saying that he realized he needed lessons when they were at one of those MTV ceremony or something, and that they had to perform right after Mariah Carey or Celine Dion, someone like that, and he felt to ashamed that basically he just didn't know how to sing and was just shouting all the time...
what i'm wondering about, is WHY exactly death magnetic is clipping that bad all over the place.
i mean, it's a loud record, but not that super loud in comparison....most andy classen stuff for example (new belphegor comes to mind) is even louder, yet it's not clipping as much.
so, what went wrong that they actually felt the need to brickwall everything to death just to get a loud but not REALLY LOUD record?
Thats something that struck me about the Mystery Mix, its just as loud as the CD but the guitars actually have some sense of attack and decay.
Admittedly, the new version does sound better. The albums sound isn't annoying me as much as it seems to be other people and sounds great played through GOOD headphones. This is all obviously my personal opinion.
Ah, the in-ear monitors totally affect the performance!

I'm a drummer but I did sing for a while in a band just for fun. I was in a very prolific period working-wise, so more money, spending on useless things...

I bought a Shure system with sennheiser in ear buddies (or whatever do you call those little ball-inserted eadphones). If before at rehearsals I was shouting on top of my lungs just to hear something, when using the in ear monitor system all became very clear and I found myself not yelling all the time and not feeling like my throat had spit flames instead of words at the end of the sessions.

So yes I think that in a large part the in-ear has a lot to do with the changing of James' voice, and a little bit of ageing and a little bit of lessons he took since the BLack Album (I remember him saying in an interview that he blew his voice during the recording of 'So what!' and after a visit to the doctor, discovering he had nodes on all his vocal cords he started vocal training).
for anyone that wants to know, for Rock Band 2, I'm pretty sure there is a stereo vocal track, a stereo guitar track, a stereo bass track (?), stereo drum track, stereo backing track (2nd guitar parts and rhythm under the solo sections), and I THINK a seperate kick and/or snare track (not positive on that, I'd have to check my stem converter at the house.) if anyone doesn't know about it check this out...


if nothing else it's a GREAT way to promote your music for free..

....whoops... linked here from another thread... haha, totally didn't check that date!

what i'm wondering about, is WHY exactly death magnetic is clipping that bad all over the place.
i mean, it's a loud record, but not that super loud in comparison....most andy classen stuff for example (new belphegor comes to mind) is even louder, yet it's not clipping as much.
so, what went wrong that they actually felt the need to brickwall everything to death just to get a loud but not REALLY LOUD record?

I had a revelation last night.

First of all, let me be explicit: I hate Metallica, they are like an ex girlfriend who sleeps around with your friends. Seriously.

However, as much as I hate to admit it, these guys are geniuses. And the awful loudness is part of that brilliance. "Death magnetic" is a statement saying something like this: "The old days are over. Analog recording is dead. Now we can do things quicker and easier and cheaper using computers." And they purposely fucked up the recordings using clips and bad cut/pastes etc. I'm positive this was done on purpose.

Metallica are actually trying to be artists. Death Magnetic is the ultimate sign of the times. It will go down in history as one of the great albums purely because it sounds so bad. The content doesn't matter. The fact is Metallica had all the money and tools they needed to create a great sounding album. Instead, they created an album the way albums are being created these days: on the cheap, in the bedroom.

"Death Magnetic" is a requiem to recorded music as we know it. It is a good-bye to the music industry, which has squeezed the artists for so long anyway. So let's compress the hell out of the music too. Send the music industry out in a ball of flames. It's fucking brilliant. It's probably one of the last albums that will ever sell a lot of copies.

I hate Metallica but they are fucking brilliant sometimes.
^ well they already did something similar in st. anger. The worst snare sound ever. It will be in history but for the bad reasons.
I had a revelation last night.

First of all, let me be explicit: I hate Metallica, they are like an ex girlfriend who sleeps around with your friends. Seriously.

However, as much as I hate to admit it, these guys are geniuses. And the awful loudness is part of that brilliance. "Death magnetic" is a statement saying something like this: "The old days are over. Analog recording is dead. Now we can do things quicker and easier and cheaper using computers." And they purposely fucked up the recordings using clips and bad cut/pastes etc. I'm positive this was done on purpose.

Metallica are actually trying to be artists. Death Magnetic is the ultimate sign of the times. It will go down in history as one of the great albums purely because it sounds so bad. The content doesn't matter. The fact is Metallica had all the money and tools they needed to create a great sounding album. Instead, they created an album the way albums are being created these days: on the cheap, in the bedroom.

"Death Magnetic" is a requiem to recorded music as we know it. It is a good-bye to the music industry, which has squeezed the artists for so long anyway. So let's compress the hell out of the music too. Send the music industry out in a ball of flames. It's fucking brilliant. It's probably one of the last albums that will ever sell a lot of copies.

I hate Metallica but they are fucking brilliant sometimes.

Never thought of it that way, but it would make sense..

Hope you don't mind me quoting you ;)

Oh and epic necrobump too haha
They could pay 10x Andy Sneap, 10x Colin Richardson, 10x Jens Bogren... and they would sound like hundreds of bands around.

The reason their new albums sound like they do, is purely their decision. Or maybe record label's. I'm trying to say, it's planned that way.
No one can "screw mastering" for Metallica. It's not some garage band. No one can "record bad" Metallica. I guess there are no mistakes on this level of industry, it is all planned.

I totally support that. Don't need to hear Metallica sounding like new Accept, Trivium, Machine head or something else. They should sound different, even if that means sounding bad. They are rock institution. DM is THE loudest album out there I guess. That could be some kind of statement from the band to the industry.
And I don't get the bitching about the productions. St. Anger and DM have their own charm, they do sound different and it all makes some kind of concept that they are trying to present to public.

I wouldn't call it "bedroom production" either, because those 2 albums sound FAR more professional than anything posted on this forum (from non professional producers).

The only thing that bother's me is their live playing. Kirk mostly sucks, Lars too. Like they don't care...

And really, 10 years from now DM will remain as the sound of one music industry era. And what other album will have that importance? They mostly all sound the same. Even those bedrooms producers are trying to copy the same thing. It all sounds the same.