Nów - Nowia (Heathen metal enthusiasts take note)


Membrum virile
Jul 28, 2003
Not Siberia

Here's an overlooked release from last year. I'm unsure if any of you have heard it. Slavonic Pagan metal with folk elements blended with bits of traditional and black-styled melodic metal. Vocals are quite varied (clean male, clean female and harsh blackened style) and at all times excellently performed. This debut release is total quality.

sample: http://rapidshare.de/files-en/450586/05-By_Nigdy_Nie_Poddali_Sie_.mp3.html?pmode=1
Doomcifer said:
edit: not trying to steal your thunder Nico, just had nowhere else to put this, lol. maybe there should be a thread dedicated to providing sample mp3 songs from artists that should be known to the RC community? It's an idea.

You're trying to hijack my thread you bastard! :loco:

actually I think that having an offical thread like that would be detrimental because it would be very easy to miss something, plus if you wanted to discuss it a few months on all you have to do here is resurrect that specific thread instead dedicated to that band/release instead of having to dig through pages of a single thread dedicated to several.
I'll check out Nów later (hahahahaha), never thought Magog were that good really but since Doomcifer says so I'll give the 2004 promo another spin when I get home