n00b Guitar layering question?


Aug 24, 2009
Hicktown New York.
Suppose I had a part where I wanted to have the guitar playing a straight breakdown rhythm with sustained chords and lead playing over it.

Is that acceptable to have more than two guitar parts playing at one time. And if so how would you go about panning everything?

Right now I was thinking having the main rhythm (the breakdown part) doubled and hard panned then the chords doubled and panned like 75 each way with the lead down the center ?? :o
You could go the way you suggested, but you could also try this out: record just 1 take of the chord part. Pan it straight to the center (or two takes panned 30L/R - because you want breakdown and chord parts well separated). Attenuate some high mids (because the lead has to cut through), and eventually another tight cut or two if there is a need for it.