n00b here...rip this mix apart for me PLEASE!


Apr 7, 2009
Whats up everybody,
My name is Dave Black and I'm new to these forums. I've been producing for my ex band called Steadfast. I recently got an apprenticeship with a really nice studio outside of philadelphia so the band recorded their material there but I still mix it in my home studio.

I'm at a loss because I've mixed songs in the past for them that sounded great and I've mixed some really bad ones. I welcome you to really dig into this and tell me what I'm doing wrong so that my mixes stay consistant. I'm using reaper by the way. Thanks!

Steadfast - Downpour (Soundclick)
20 views and no replys? c'mon guys i'm givin ya a chance to bash a noob here lol. I know its hard to sit there and type a huge response but any insight would be greatly appreciated.
The guitar on the left has way to much gain, sounds fizzy. Kickdrum and snare is a bit poofy for my liking. And the the Vox isnt my thing. Ok enough of the ripping apart.

Keep at it man! This is an art that takes a long time to master.
am i right in saying that the left guitar isn't panned 100% left? might be wrong

Bring up the kick a bit, not sure what sort of sound you were going for, but you might want to rethink the EQ

the vocals could do with a touch more treble

The whole sound would make for an awesome black metal mix, but i feel for this style that left guitar needs taming a little and made to sound more similar to the right hand side
I can't hear the kick really good, maybe some more EQing would help to get it up. There is one guitar with too much treble imo, I'm not sure if it's too much gain, if you bring down the treble(and maybe too much presence) it might sound alot better, more like the other guitar. Further the overall tone is not really bad I think. The vocals fit the mix pretty well already.
Way too much treble on one of the guitars. Vocals are a tad dry, but I don't know what kind of sound you are going for. Everything needs EQ to stick out more. Kick is too low. Drums seems too low all together at some parts. Good start though.
wow I'm really suprised at how nice everyone is here. Unlike any other forum I post music on. I appreciate all of the positive comments and it seems that the biggest complaint is the left guitar, which I agree, it's extremely fuzzy. Guitar is my biggest advesary. When you try to manipulate it too much it all just sounds like fuzz to me lol.
Did you quad track the guitars? Take some of the bottom end out of the snare,and turn up the rest of the drums. And if you have the DI's, reamp them
great advice! I wish I had the DI's. The only thing I can do is maybe run them through an amp modeler to get a different tone and then mix the two.