n00b needs help... ha ha.

Really? More guitars?

I'm using some older maudio monitors... SP5B's... they dont translate my mixes very well... which is why I've done so many fricken test mixes... doesn't matter who I record musically, it just doesnt translate them very well...

that being said... the guitars are currently dominating the mix... at least on my end... I wouldn't know how much to bring them up... any suggestions?
Oh, and tried low passing the guitars around 10k and taking it from there?

Removes some "hiss"

Yeah, It def pass at 10k. I heard doing that gets rid of some of the finger noises and whatnot.

I'll try raising the guitars a notch or two... actually... the guitars are maxed... time to lower everything else... i get into a bad habit of raising levels beyond 0 in PT to bring things up a bit... its a bad habit, i'm trying to break it.