
Sep 26, 2008
Perth, Australia
Holy shit, this amp.

Crazy tight, the low and hi shaping filters before it hits the preamp are awesome - no need for a boost here!
I'll be making a video of some riffage soon, for all those that have one of these pre-ordered, stick out the wait - it's well worth it! This is the most brutal metal amp i've ever played. This is the amp i've been needing for years!

I'll be making some clips next week. I was thinking just drums and one guitar - as opposed to the usual full mix. Or maybe both - what do you guys want to hear?
I don't know how I managed to fuck up the title, its the DAR FBM 100H.
So the final product still comes without the FBM logo? Interesting. But not as interesting as clips! :p
I'd like to hear both a raw track (guitar only) and full mix, if possible. Thanks in advance!

BTW I have the preamp pedal on order and full well intend to stick out the wait.
I can tell you that with the pre-shaping controls there's pretty much no sweat to make any type of clean/distorted sound. It's very clear, but boost the low pre shape and cut the high and you'll get an incredible brown/noise/stoner kind of sound. Had a lot of fun working with the prototype. :)