
I'm at work fucker! Just because I'm posting 20 times an hour doesn't mean I'm at home! :Spin:

Got the CD's, thanks man. :Spin:

Funny how I was listening to my YOB promo today thinking "I'll bet BloodStainedWalls sent me this album..." :loco:
I'm predicting it, yes. If not the image will quickly disappear from my signature on the day it's released. I have high hopes for it because Tommy Victor is back in the fold, and the last album kicked ass even with a shitty guitarist, so this one should be better.

Plus the color scheme matches the forum man! :Spin:
NAD said:
Got the CD's, thanks man. :Spin:

Funny how I was listening to my YOB promo today thinking "I'll bet BloodStainedWalls sent me this album..." :loco:

No problemo man. I'm so fucking happy that you finally got them fuckers. Ya, that YOB may take some time to get used to but once you do it is so fucking awesome. That last song is AMAZING!
Black Winter Day said:
I pulled out "How the Gods Kill" today for the first time in years. Damn, I forgot how much ASS it kicks! Definitely the best Danzig.
If you don't have Danzig 4p, you're seriously missing out. SECOND. BESTALBUM. EVAR!!!!!!1111seventeen
BloodStainedWalls said:
I wonder how well his writing is after he got knocked the fuck out. :lol:
Knocked DOWN, not out. Besides, Circle of Snakes was already complete before that incident. :loco:
Some dude from an Arizona local band, Northside Kings I think they were called. There's a video of it out there, I think it's what killed the UM server a month or so ago, whoops.

I'll get you a CD-R, remind me once or twice though. :)