NAD's 30,000th pube.

No wonder old people smell like shit all the time if they have their prunes and biscuits spewed out and travelling with them. I guess not only woman have a special love over the things that are created within their bodies.:zombie:
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Look up dingleberry in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.For the plant, see Southern Mountain Cranberry.
Dingleberry is a colloquial term for fecal matter stuck in small round clumps to the hair or fur around the anus. It is often found on sheep that have not been shorn for some time and in some other long-haired animals, such as persian cats.

Dingleberries occurring in humans are typically regarded as a sign of bad hygiene. Modern Japanese toilets often have a built-in bidet (a so-called washlet) that facilitates the cleansing of the anus and any hair in the immediate area.

The term is popular in both Australia and in rural America, especially the South. The term originates from the now somewhat-antiquated name for the Southern Mountain Cranberry (Vaccinium erythrocarpum).

There once existed a candy of the same name, consisting of small chocolate balls. The candy was the subject of much discussion on an episode of Late Night with David Letterman when director John Waters brought a package of it as a gift.

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Nate The Great said:
There once existed a candy of the same name, consisting of small chocolate balls. The candy was the subject of much discussion on an episode of Late Night with David Letterman when director John Waters brought a package of it as a gift.
I need to see this.