Toilet that won't flush + shower drain that spits up black water =

One Inch Man said:

I never thought of white russians as gay, there's no fruit in them shitz! I don't consider anything with whiskey, gin, or vodka a wussy drink though, fruit or not. Also the fact that gay drinks WILL get you laid if used correctly pretty much negates the gay element.

very true post.

rum and coke, jack and coke, screwdrivers, all that jazz = not gay.

and fruity drinks get you the pooontizang you are correct my good sir.
I need a smoke, a nap, a beer, and a blowjob. In that order preferrably. Oh hell I'm not picky, I'd take half of any one of those four right about now.
in hindsight, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to pull that 19 pounds of your exgirlfriend's hair out of the shower drain. It might have helped stem the flow of the EVIL BLACK WATER
I think about 19 more came out last night, then all the foul backed up shit followed. :ill:

God dammit! I should've harnessed my anger/disgust into a new Are Slacquer song last night noooooooooooooooooooooooo....