Name your own band!!

I'd probably name it Slayer. Simple yet evil.
Hmm... pretty cool.

I'd have to name mine Megadeth. It sounds like a pretty good name. It sounds better to me without the "a" in "death".

Actually, if we were to go death metal, Cannibal Corpse sounds like a good name. It would be good for making non-metalheads worry about you sometimes.
how about ixaxaar...
and as far as the logo goes... a homemade kvlt one:
My philosophy teacher once told me that band names should be named "Angry Fruit"

Rather Unamused Apple would be my band name.

...As a side project.
I actually like the name "Hexwind" which was the name of a particular poster from the (now defunct) Opeth forum. Sounds like an atmospheric Black Metal band.
Old school death metal: "Chopped"
Slamming brutal death metal: "Chopped Up Genitals"
Deathcore: iChoppedUpUrMomOnce