Names with Faces thread (Post your pic)

Great shelves, boob...where'd you get them?

They're a little pricey, but they're definitely well worth it. They're stainless steel; they're modular, so you can hook as many up together as you want (although they don't recommend more than four hooked up together); and, unlike those cheap-ass wood or particle-board units that sag in the middle under the weight of your cds, these are nice and durable.
Well.....compared to that, I "only" have 300 albums. I just stack the cases somewhere safe in my room, and keep the CDs in a big CD binder.
In Cancun last October. What's funny (at least to me) is that I wore this shirt on the Friday of PPIII. :D


Edit: Gah... Forgot I cancelled my domain...
In Cancun last October. What's funny (at least to me) is that I wore this shirt on the Friday of PPIII.

yeah, I was going to ask you if you owned more than one shirt. ;) or perhaps you just have an entire closet full of Arcturus shirts. lol
Nah... Just the one. It's a bit faded these days, but still very wearable. I won't even pack it for Atlanta this time around. I swear! Or people will think I don't own anything else.
zimbee said:
In Cancun last October. What's funny (at least to me) is that I wore this shirt on the Friday of PPIII. :D

Awesome shirt! :grin: I'll be wearing my 'La Masquerade Infernale' shirt Friday or Saturday.
Well... I'm glad to see the thread didn't tank! :D

Very, very cool to see so many great smiles, awesome shirts, advice on audio gear (Used to carry those at the A/V dealer I worked for, and the do, indeed kick ass), incredible senses of humor, etc. I could go on and on, but I'll just kick back and enjoy this wonderful visual ride. Now, here's my own little *fun* pic (apologies to those who've seen it before, but I just can't help myself)

DC Cooper and I, 5am April 12th this year. Just after finishing up vocal tracking for Persephone's Dream. Yes he broke rule number 6 (I believe) but wtf cares, we were working for 12 hours straight. ;)

sccaldwell said:
Here's me at PP4, with Dave Gallegos (Power of Omens). In case it's not glaringly obvious which one's the metal guitar god and which one's the computer consultant, I'm the one on the right. :grin:


HAHA!! That was freaking hilarious. Not the picture......the part about "In case it's not glaringly obvious ....."
shreddy said:
This be I

Ah, this is the guy I see every year and say, "Oh look, Mike Portnoy" ... "Oh look, Mike Portnoy" <repeat 50 times until end of event and I don't see him any more>

Cool thread, although I want to knowwhy a few of you deleted your own pic posts, they look good!
Chris Rifkin(HalcyonF5 and Stu said:
Here is one frome me,taken in 2001,still look the same,just a bit more,uhh,lets say befy in th eright places('y'all will find out ,lol)
hope this works


Ok, since no one else will say it, and the thing is practically winking at me...I see nipple!
ashaman7122 said:
I can't believe that no one's made any comments about dargar posing with his cock...'s just such an obvious thing...someone had to stoop this low to do it...and I guess that someone is (usually) me.

What's the story with that photo, darg?

Rock on!

Some chicken got into my backyard, I don't know how, but idk I was bored felt like screwing around with it (leaves jokes open so someone can say "haha, dag screwed around with his cock). I also took a pic of him about to peck a Tran of Thought cd