Nasheim on Eight Acts Of Origin-compilation


Jun 25, 2002
I assume the track is previously unreleased? It seems the vinyl is out, but not yet available here, can't wait to hear this.
i don't have copies yet and i will have so few there won't be any point selling any. the song is "new" (recorded about 1½ years ago, you can probably figure out how easy it is to sort out a split release with eight bands)
i just picked up my copies from the post. i could possibly sell one or two of them directly, tranqullian: pm if you really want one.

I really enjoyed the one track I'e heard. Is there a sample of this song somewhere? On a MySpace page perhaps? Or are you kids too kvlt for MySpace? :loco:

i do not acknowledge the existence of myspace. the song is short and a sample would be pointless, sorry. forever plagued records and tour de garde distribute this record in north america. the other bands are woods of infinity, akitsa, gaszimmer, ash pool, pagan hellfire, darkest grove, and mörker. it was originally conceived as more or less a "canada vs. sweden" split with four bands from each country but the lineup has changed since then. now it's more of a "europe vs. north america" thing. which side wins? you decide!
i do not acknowledge the existence of myspace. the song is short and a sample would be pointless, sorry. forever plagued records and tour de garde distribute this record in north america. the other bands are woods of infinity, akitsa, gaszimmer, ash pool, pagan hellfire, darkest grove, and mörker. it was originally conceived as more or less a "canada vs. sweden" split with four bands from each country but the lineup has changed since then. now it's more of a "europe vs. north america" thing. which side wins? you decide!
Cool. I'll check it out.

Sorry Erik. Even though I love Nasheim I probably shouldn't fork out money for something I'd rarely play.