Nasum Guitar/vocalist Mieszko Talarczyk still missing in Thailand


The emperor
Jun 15, 2004
Update #2: Still no sign of Mieszko

As of Monday January 10, we have nothing to report about Mieszko's whereabouts. We can report that his girlfriend has returned to Sweden and is at the moment getting all possible treatment for her physical and emotional wounds.

We would also alert all customers of Soundlab Studios to read the message to the right.

Again, thanks for the support in the guestbook during the last couple of weeks. We appreciate it a lot and seek comfort in your concern.

The members of Nasum.


It's very hard for us to make this announcement, but since rumours are already out on the Internet we must make an official statement: Mieszko Talarczyk is missing in Thailand.

Mieszko and his girlfriend went to Thailand to spend the holidays. They left a few days before Christmas and were scheduled to return right after New Years Eve.

They were staying in a bungalow at Phi Phi Island and when the big wave came and swept the bungalow away the two were seperated. Mieszko's girlfriend is being reported hospitalized "badly injured" but she has been in contact with among others Mieszko's sister who has been posting an "I'm looking for..." at the Phuket Disaster Forum.

This is everything we know right now. Since we are all shocked by this surreal situation we strongly advice fans of Nasum to respect the anxiety we and the Talarczyk and Thorén families feel at this time, and NOT post questions by email or in the guestbook at We will post all sorts of news on the website, but again, please respect our wish in this uneasy time.

Anders, Jon and Urban of Nasum.

Update #1: Nothing new to report

As of midnight Wednesday/Thursday we have nothing to report about the whereabouts of Mieszko. There are still lots of "good" possible scenarios that we prefere to think about instead of drawing negative conclusions. We suggest that you do the same.

We have some information about the condition of Mieszko's girlfriend. Her injuries are not lethal. She has broken one or both legs and gotten some lacerations. She is in a deep shock and we really hope that she will be on one of the airplanes returning to Sweden with injured people.

We would also like to say thanks to all the kind words and thoughts posted by people in the guestbook. This kind of support really helps us in the band to cope with this unreal situation. Thanks again!

Finally, to the people who have sent orders for merchandise: please respect that we can't really deal with your orders right now, at least not at once.

Anders, Jon and Urban of Nasum, along with ex-members Rickard Alriksson and Jesper Liveröd, as well as all of Mieszko's friends in Örebro and elsewhere

Source :

bender the offender said:
good, it wasnt a good band like.

thats not very nice brenda.

though i presume it was just a joke so i'll tell mine now, father xmas did'nt visit thailand this year, 'he just flew past and gave them a big wave'

sorry folks i could'nt resist :erk:
it totally sucks that Mieszko is missing. i'm not a fan of grindcore, but i'm told that he was a legend... for Tsunami jokes... it's pretty sad that the people that are trying to help out the most.... are calling it a Wave of Support. it was on a local news station.
dead6skin6mask6 said:
it totally sucks that Mieszko is missing. i'm not a fan of grindcore, but i'm told that he was a legend... for Tsunami jokes... it's pretty sad that the people that are trying to help out the most.... are calling it a Wave of Support. it was on a local news station.
yeh it is sad like, though i just found this and felt i needed to post it

its a sad story that hes still missed
well after 3 weeks of this desaster and hes still missed I think hes dead
sad but true
I dont know what the other guys in nasum will doo coninue wioth the band or split up
but nasum without miezko?
I dont know if it would work
lets see what comes...
hey people, i know humor is a way of dealing with things, but gimme a break! There are so many people dead and missing and even here might possibly be people who have lost their relative or friend, that it only shows bad taste when yous joke about it. Dont wanna be tightass or anything, but this just makes me sad and angry. Im sure that adult people understand that there are situations when you better keep your mouth (or kb, like in this case) shut.
Thank you.
with all the love and respect,
Yeah, that was my first thought too, when I saw the pic you posted.

But it can't happen to anyone, until I'm kicking around here no tsunami will reach me I hope.