National 'do not f**k with me' list


Jul 28, 2002
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From today's Penny Arcade:

So today I got a phone call and when I picked it up it was a recording. It said, “This is not a solicitation. This is an automated call. Please call us back at 1-800-something, something, something.” I would have actually called them back but I could not write the number down fast enough and I have no short term memory. Is this how companies are getting around the do not call list? Is it not considered a solicitation if they simply call and ask me to call them back? Interesting.

What I don’t understand is why we don’t have a do not e-mail list. That would be a hell of a lot more helpful to me than a do not call list.
Right on, Gabe.
hmmmm.... that's a good point!

I delete a good amount of junk mail myself... and sometimes have deleted important emails in the process! :Smug:

not to mention, I'm still geting phone solicitations.... :yell:

BTW... I got your email on your situation... I'll be dropping youa line soon!
