Nattsmyg - Skogens Okrönte Konung


Apr 15, 2005
Sverige, Ängelholm
Hi !! :)
I just finished the second Nattsmyg demo.
Go to if you want to listen.

NattensThyr said:
Grym som fan!
Synd bara att det inte blev jag som fick göra grim vocals :p

Jag har fortfarande inte hittat den jag behöver som kan growla live och som helst bor nära.
Du har en grym röst men bor rättsålångt från Ängelholm =/
Anton (han som också spelar trummor) fick growla till desse låtarna för att han har mkt tid över till inspelning och bor så nära.
Nattsmyg said:
Jag har fortfarande inte hittat den jag behöver som kan growla live och som helst bor nära.
Du har en grym röst men bor rättsålångt från Ängelholm =/
Anton (han som också spelar trummor) fick growla till desse låtarna för att han har mkt tid över till inspelning och bor så nära.

Jag förstår det, och beklagar min geografiska situation. ;9
'The Forest's Uncrowned King'? Not a Swede here, and that's what I suppose the title means, without the aid of a dictionary. Ingen svensk har, och det ar vad jag tanker att 'the title' betyder, utan en ordboks 'aid'. Sorry I can't put in the umlauts and all, but I'm on a Mac and I have no idea how to do that. Also I don't know the words for 'title' and 'aid'. =\

And, I'll listen try to listen to some samples when I'm on a different computer. Skal! (Goddamned Mac, can't put the angstrom.)

P.S. Keep talking you two, I'm enjoying trying to follow your conversation. =P I chuckled a bit at 'growla' and 'grym rost'. \m/
We're talking about the fact that tried out for doing the grim vocals for Nattsmyg.
But I live a long way from the "mastermind" of the band, so it was kinda out of the
Jag har just kommit tillbaka från Sverige och jag kom inte ihåg att ni talar svenska :tickled:

Jag lyssnar på din ny demo just nu och den synas jättebra!

(hope, that was not too wrong :p)
You are correct. "den synes mig jättebra!" means "it seems very good to me!".

But "synas" is best translated to be seen or be visible, and as Thyr said, "syna" means to inspect or to examine.

To Nattsmyg:
Was very surprised over the new demo, think you have developed a lot from the first one in just this short tiime. Like the lyrics better, both what they are about and also the way they are written. The music is better also, there are more distinct melodies.. or what to say.. they aren't just background sounds to the song.

To give some criticism too, about the lyrics. There are sometimes repetition of words (like in Trollfar, the word "kula" is repeated too many times for my taste), and also some makeshift rhymes (nödrim) like "...och någon råkar nysa
". I think the lyrics would be better if you found synonyms for some words, and reworded them to avoid "nödrim". :)
Hm, musically it was quite allright and I think you've got some good ideas. I've only heard one song (Bortbytingen) but I have to say that the vocals were very weak indeed and also the lyrics were pretty childish and corny.
amf said:
To Nattsmyg:
Was very surprised over the new demo, think you have developed a lot from the first one in just this short tiime. Like the lyrics better, both what they are about and also the way they are written. The music is better also, there are more distinct melodies.. or what to say.. they aren't just background sounds to the song.

To give some criticism too, about the lyrics. There are sometimes repetition of words (like in Trollfar, the word "kula" is repeated too many times for my taste), and also some makeshift rhymes (nödrim) like "...och någon råkar nysa
". I think the lyrics would be better if you found synonyms for some words, and reworded them to avoid "nödrim". :)
:) I agree. I will try to develope the lyrics to demo nr3.

spaffe said:
Hm, musically it was quite allright and I think you've got some good ideas. I've only heard one song (Bortbytingen) but I have to say that the vocals were very weak indeed and also the lyrics were pretty childish and corny.
That song (Bortbytingen) is intended to be like a little story a mother could have told to her child at bedtime, so I'm happy that you find it childish and corny cause that was my goal, just like Trollfar.
Give "I Dyster Dimma" a shot.
Nattsmyg said:
That song (Bortbytingen) is intended to be like a little story a mother could have told to her child at bedtime, so I'm happy that you find it childish and corny cause that was my goal, just like Trollfar.
Give "I Dyster Dimma" a shot.

I meant childish as in crude and unrefined lyrically. I will listen to that other song you mentioned though