NBA 2012-2013

Fuck the Heat! Ginobili just turned the ball over again on his way to the locker room. What a many reckless turnovers did he have the last two games? Swear he had $ on the Heat...NBA is a joke.

Typical Bostonian. Duncan also missed an easy as fuck shot that would have tied the game. The best player in the NBA is dominate. Deal with it.
I don't really care and i don't have to deal with it! The way the game is called is a joke. Queen Lebron is hard enough to defend but when he gets all the calls as wonder he's dominant. Evreytime he drives the lane he's throwing elbows, charging yet he gets the calls.
Miami won bitches!!!!!

:hahamiddlefinger: :hahamiddlefinger: :hahamiddlefinger: :hahamiddlefinger: :hahamiddlefinger:


:hahamiddlefinger: :hahamiddlefinger::hahamiddlefinger: :hahamiddlefinger: :hahamiddlefinger: :hahamiddlefinger: :hahamiddlefinger: :hahamiddlefinger: :hahamiddlefinger:


lame, but then again i wouldn't expect any less from a laker fan.

SA played like crap yesterday, Parker and Manu both had horrific games, and it didn't help that miami was draining almost every single mid range jumper that they threw up. Battier was also huge yesterday.

anyway, fuck the nba, didn't watch a single game this season, and that game seven was the first playoff game i actually watched. I can sit here and write a whole page on why the nba has turned into a complete joke of a league, but that would take wayyy too much time.
I've lost almost all interest in the NBA throughout the last 10 years, the league has turned into a complete joke.

... but i do hope San Antonio(one of the few real teams left in the nba) smashes Miami .... pretty close game so far.

edit: ... the Heat are basically the epitome of everything that's wrong with the league today.

i agree 100% with this post and almost the exact same story as me. i followed the nba very closely until the 2002 west. conference finals with the lakers/kings and knew that the nba refs were on the take and david stern favored certain teams. sure enough that was one of the series ref. tim donaghy got caught fixing. i think ref. joe crawford is on the take too. several years ago crawford stated he didn't really like the spurs yet he was allowed to ref. at least 2 games in the nba finals and funny enough the heat won those 2 games. anyone remember during the regular season the spurs played at miami and sat duncan, manu and parker and stern fined the spurs $250k but the last few weeks of the regular season the heat played at the spurs and sat lebron, wade and bosh and got no fine at all. odd isn't it. why does stern keep blocking trades that benefit other teams but not the heat. the miami heat, one of the new teams stern helped create during his tenure as head of the nba and the only team he created thats been successful. in the last 3 years stern allowed the heat to pick up bosh and james plus former all stars mike miller, shane battier, chris anderson and ray allen. chris paul can't go to the lakers though and it looks like coach rivers and KG are not allowed to go to the clippers for whatever reason stern is BSing around