Neal Morse , Like him or not?

TwizstedJesus said:
poor choice as in financially. I'm pretty sure the market for progressive religious music is not a very large one,and from what I've seen and heard,many of Neals fans from the Spocks days have bailed out due to lyrical content.
I give him credit for following his own path,and leaving the past behind to do so,but the shock of how up front the lyrical content was brought on the "force fed" comment.I realized that he had found God and was heading out to spread the word,but did anybody foresee that the lyrics would be that religious?Its more blatant than Stryper.

I am fairly sure that Neal knew what the finacial impact would be in his choice and that is what makes it a good choice. He believes strongly enough in his faith to put the finacial aspect aside to sing what he believes in. That is what faith is all bout.

Compared to general christian music his lyrics are not so up front as you suggest. And more blatant than Stryper? I seem to remember some of these lyrics from stryper:

In God we trust
In Him we must believe
(He is the only way)
In God we trust
His Son we must receive
(Tomorrow's too late, accept Him today)


Jesus, King, King of Kings
Jesus, makes me wanna sing

One big family
That will live eternally
Together forever
All you have to do
Is receive the one who died for you

Sounds pretty up front to me.
to hell with the devil. :lol:

pro-christian lyrics are a lot better than pro-satan. i mean, honestly. if you actually believe in satan, why join the losing side. /spoilers: if you read the last chapter, he loses :tickled:
TwizstedJesus said:
poor choice as in financially. I'm pretty sure the market for progressive religious music is not a very large one,and from what I've seen and heard,many of Neals fans from the Spocks days have bailed out due to lyrical content.
I give him credit for following his own path,and leaving the past behind to do so,but the shock of how up front the lyrical content was brought on the "force fed" comment.I realized that he had found God and was heading out to spread the word,but did anybody foresee that the lyrics would be that religious?Its more blatant than Stryper.

Well, if Neal is true to his religious beliefs, and that's something only Neal himself knows, then he's not doing it for the money.

I agree with you that the market for "religious prog music" isn't large, but Neal is a master at his craft. One of these days he might be considered a forefather of a new genre, who knows?

As far as his lyrical content is concerned, he's blantant about what he believes in. You sound like you're being fairly blantant as well.

If Neal's music is something that you can't deal with, then choose not to listen. I can't help believe that you'd be cheating yourself from some stellar progressive music though.

Regardless, I'm looking forward to hearing/seeing what Neal tosses at us in the future.

One last point that I want to make. Like I said earlier, I'm a Christian. With that said, there are bands that I listen to that I don't agree with their outlook on Christ, God, religion, the church as a whole, etc. I choose to listen to those bands due to their overall musical abilities, and I simply like what I hear from the band. Also, I'm comfortable enough with my beliefs to not allow a band to influence me in such a way to compromise my faith.
Heres a few to combat Stryper

Oh, Father I've returned
I'm sorry I was wrong
I feel so undeserving
After all I've done
But I see your open eyes
And I feel your spirit rising in my chest
You're the Father of forgiveness (I've come home)
You're the Father of forgiveness

Help me I have fallen and I can't get up
But I believe that you can lift me up
If you're real God please lift me up

He will raise the dead
The starving shall be fed
He will take your pain
Your suffering and shame
He will span the crest
Between the spirit and the flesh
He will raise the dead

This wasn't meant to be a religious bash...Neal found God...great! My point was that it is hard to stomach some of his lyrics,just as it is hard to listen to Deicide due to their content,or Orphaned Land due to theirs.Neal is still Neal and he is a master,and he was and always will be the voice and songwriter of Spocks Beard. His solo stuff maybe would be better off being called "Gods Beard" since musically there is no altering of the Spocks sound...its all intact...the guitar the voice the keys and the odd plethora of instruments that make their way into the songs...its Spocks Beard with gods message.
Financially,sure he knew there would be an impact with his new found faith.
But how about dumping his fellow Spockies right when they had hit an all time high with "Snow"...if I'm not mistaken they were blindsided by his choice to leave,and their momentum was crushed.I dont believe they've recovered yet.But thats not saying that they suck...they just aren't Spocks Beard without Neal.
If my comments rubbed anybody the wrong way,I apologise.I am not christian so the lyrics bother harm,no foul.That doesn't mean that I hate Neal Morse for throwing away his band and preaching Gods word,nor does it mean to be a slam on the religious people in this room.
Its just one assholes opinion,which is similiar to many other peoples opinion of his choices; yet I still support Neal due to his amazing powers of creativity.
TwizstedJesus said:
If my comments rubbed anybody the wrong way,I apologise.I am not christian so the lyrics bother harm,no foul.That doesn't mean that I hate Neal Morse for throwing away his band and preaching Gods word,nor does it mean to be a slam on the religious people in this room.
Its just one assholes opinion,which is similiar to many other peoples opinion of his choices; yet I still support Neal due to his amazing powers of creativity.

IMO, this has been an intelligent discussion with several good viewpoints brought forth. Apparetley, you respect my viewpoint and the viewpoint of others, so I appreciate that. I respect your's as well.

It's probably safe saying that Neal's decision blindsided the band, but I've never thought about it though. I'm not familiar with the other band members of Spock's Beard, so I'm not sure if they would've been open to singing Neal's type of lyrics or not. If I'm not mistaken, he has their link/links posted on his website, so it looks like their isn't any hard feelings among the band members.

Interesting stuff though. Thanks again.
ebass said:

They will BLOW you away when you see them. They are much heavier live than you can imagine and the most incredible musicians around. The touring drummer Jimmy Keegan is off the hook. Nick has really come in to his own as the front man and these guys and a kick in the ass live. Ryo is a riot and you will here and see some of the funniest sh#@ imaginable. They have a differant sound and personality now but rock heavy and put on an amazing show. I watched in night in and out when we toured with them in 2003 in Europe.

And as far as Neal goes he is just one of those guys on another level from most of us he is truly special.

Cool post!
Hey Ed -- or I could follow your lead and call you Edguy :lol:

Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. I have the Don't Try this... DVD and it is definitely apparent that they come across heavier live. OK, I was wondering about that... so Nick did come out front and let someone else play the drums. Does Jimmy Keegan also sing? I'm curious to whether they'll still pull of live masterpieces live Gibberish!

That must have been really cool to tour with a band the caliber of SB! They seem like they'd be real good to work with and the bonus of seeing them live every night for a while must've been awesome. And damn it! I would have LOVED to have been at those shows. Then I could see SB AND Enchant live!

Yes, he is.

Thanks. Likewise.
TwizstedJesus said:
This wasn't meant to be a religious bash...Neal found God...great!

I did not take it as such.

My point was that it is hard to stomach some of his lyrics,just as it is hard to listen to Deicide due to their content,or Orphaned Land due to theirs

I understand and that is why in my original post I said something to the effect that I thought that some people may not like his solo stuff becasue of the lyrics.

If my comments rubbed anybody the wrong way,I apologise.I am not christian so the lyrics bother harm,no foul.That doesn't mean that I hate Neal Morse for throwing away his band and preaching Gods word,nor does it mean to be a slam on the religious people in this room.
Its just one assholes opinion,which is similiar to many other peoples opinion of his choices; yet I still support Neal due to his amazing powers of creativity

It's all good man. You did not offend me and you are entitled as much as anyone else is to speak your mind.

I understand that if somoone is a SB fan and not a Christian and happened to be turned off by Christian Lyrics that they may feel a sense of loss with Neal gone from SB and thus from future new music. However, If you are a Christian such as I, then it is the best of both worlds. I still get to hear Neal do SB type music with Christian Lyrics.
Finally we get a thread that isnt a bash session on evrybody who disagrees.
I own 7000 cds which are a wide range of music,though 6700 are metal/hard rock/prog. I've formed opinions over the years on many bands,yet I always give them a chance to impress me again ...I figure,if they did it once...maybe there will be another classic in their future
I hope the same for Neal,even though I consider "Testimony" a near miss

I have exlpored more of Neal's work From SB, Trans, and even Yellow Matter Custard. The guy is a genius. He does have the Midas Touch and I am not talking about mufflers. All hail King Midas.
metalprof said:
I'd argue it's a poor choice for an adult with a brain and a decent vocabulary to write songs called "All Men Play On Ten".

We all know that that real men play on 11! :rock:
