
Feb 22, 2006
Seems like this festival that takes place in the summer in Bethleham, PA kind of moves along a parallel line with ProgPower: good bands, bands that rarerly or have ever played in the States before, well organized and run, longevity. I've never been but will make it one of these years when they bring back one of the old favs again, such as The Strawbs.

Obviously Glenn does an outstanding job, but I'd guess that the folks that run Nearfest do as well. Thoughts and comments?
A good festival..... if you are of that musical persuasion. I went last year for Riverside, and have no regrets. Id love to go this year to see PRR and Indukti, but it remains to be seen if I will.
Even though I did go this year, I was NOT a fan of the overall scheduling of the fest. There was an hour + in between bands, as well as a 2 hour "dinner break" before the headliners. Especially for someone like me who was only there for a single band, it would have been HELL having to wait through all that fluff time.
Even though I did go this year, I was NOT a fan of the overall scheduling of the fest. There was an hour + in between bands, as well as a 2 hour "dinner break" before the headliners. Especially for someone like me who was only there for a single band, it would have been HELL having to wait through all that fluff time.

Oh I Agree.. It was driving me MAD...
The worst part was when there was a band you didn't like! Fuck.. 1:30 break.. 1:30 of a sucky band.. and 1:30 before the next band!

But I still want to go again this year.. specially for Indukti and PRR... Some other bands also interest me, but the main 2 are those 2 :)
We've been in the past, and are going this year. The line up is exceptionally solid (PRR, Indukti, Izz, Magenta), even if there are always bands that we end up skipping (this year it will be Magma). The long breaks do suck, but we always just leave the area and go eat or visit a bookstore or something, since it's all reserved seating.

It's not as much fun as PP, but the show is well run and the theater is a great place for a prog show. I'd recommend it if you're a fan of prog and there are some bands playing that you'd want to check out.

LB and I will be there again this year...this should be our....3rd or 4th NF together. Good bands last year..good bands this year. Like Dave and Mary, we'll skip Magma. Altho my friend Rob will not be budged from seeing them again. However, not all the bands booked are always my cup of tea, I do go with an open mind. If I had not approached NF, I would have never discovered Hidria Spacefolk (LOVE LOVE LOVE) or been thoroughly charmed by Kenso and more. Quite a few bands I'm looking forward to seeing.

Besides...I love to scare them by thrown up the 'orns during the shows! ;)

If I had not approached NF, I would have never discovered Hidria Spacefolk (LOVE LOVE LOVE)

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I just love Hidria Spacefolk. I owe my knowledge of 'em to Aki, actually. :kickass: I'd love to see them someday.

Besides...I love to scare them by thrown up the 'orns during the shows! ;)

I think I'd just have to wear a CoF, Immortal or Dimmu Borgir shirt to NEARFest, just for grins. :lol:
^One of our favorite things to do at Nearfest is to wear metal shirts and get sneers from the progsnobs wearing their sweat stained Genesis shirts that haven't been washed since '72 or so. Nearfest draws a really "interesting" crowd...

^One of our favorite things to do at Nearfest is to wear metal shirts and get sneers from the progsnobs wearing their sweat stained Genesis shirts that haven't been washed since '72 or so. Nearfest draws a really "interesting" crowd...


LOL Same here!!!!
This time I'm planning to wear a shirt that says "I hate progsnobs!" :lol: