Nearfield monitors thread#100 (event?)


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
I know, there have been quite some monitor-threads, but I still want to open my own thread ;)

I'm about to buy new monitors for my studio.

I need monitors that translate very good on various systems, are very honest and clear and have a good (but neutral) bass-response (don't wanna buy an additional sub, yet).

I am considering the "Event ASP-8"

can anyone show me some alternatives in that price-range?
I know, in the end I have to testdrive them and decide myself, I'd just need some proposals what to try and why you think they're good.

also share your experiences with the ASP-8 (Oz?).

everything's appreciated.


I've heard Dynaudio are pretty good, but I haven't had any experience with them. Not much help, I guess, but you can take them into consideration.
things to consider that influence significantly other than just monitors... the monitors are just one element in the sonic equation.

room (modes, early reflections and reverb time)

buy monitor stands if possible (I have Safe Anchor)

create an equilateral triangle workspace

manage the work space surface early reflections
things to consider that influence significantly other than just monitors... the monitors are just one element in the sonic equation.

room (modes, early reflections and reverb time)

buy monitor stands if possible (I have Safe Anchor)

create an equilateral triangle workspace

manage the work space surface early reflections

should have told that ;)
I used to teach acoustics at a music college, so I already considered stuff like roommodes and RT60 etc.
the controlroom is optimised for least mode-trouble (IEC 60268-13) 5.3m x 7m, angeled ceiling, no 90degr. or sharp angles (so all 4 sides of the ceiling are angled again a coffin ;) )

I watched for L/R stereo symmetry, Helmoltz-resonators, traps, absorbers and diffusors will be build to further optimise the situation.

but you're absolutely right, though! the room is way more important than the speakers! but I already took care of that, so what I need now are the monitor recommendations ;)

How about Genelec 8040s? A pair is just 80 euros above Event ASP8s' price. You could probably negotiate a discount if you buy through a store.

considered those as well (I've always been a fan of Genelecs although they're not really flat (at least the 10-series wasn't), I just thought the Event probably reproduce the lower Frequencies better...but I haven't compared them to each other so far.

how do the 80xxs compare to the 10xxs ?
It's been a while since I bought 8020's I think they translate good, but everytime
I do a mix I don't add too much lowend because when I listen to my mixes on other systems, they need less low end compared to the 8020's.
My suggestion is go for 8040's, they will be better than 8020's.
I just decided to get a set of monitors that will never have to be replaced again...for mixing and mastering.

the Klein&Hummel O 300 !!

ok, they're twice as much as the Event etc, but man...I fell in love...
I use Tascam's VL-X5's. Killer monitors (for any budget). I really like them a lot, got them for 190 euros at Thomann (super deal, if you ask me, they go up to 300$ in the States, finally something cheaper here :headbang: )

Anyway, this is a section of the market I've never quite understood because of conflicting interests. You can't even consider getting anything good under 1000$ bucks because they're too lazy to design anything GOOD on a budget.

Well, I've found my match for a 190 a pair and I ain't changing anytime soon :headbang: