Need a 4x10 Bass Cab

if your in europe warwick or gallen kreuger (sp) might be a good deal especially on thoman or ashdown too they make some sweet bass gear
If your house/wallet/legs are made of gold, Eden all the way. Ashdown are great as well, but they're fairly smooth and creamy which I'm guessing isn't what you're after. If you can find one, the old Trace Elliots are really good too.

Not a fan of the Behringers or GK personally (I play through one or the other at the practise studio I use and neither of them really do it for me).

Honestly, Peavey guitar cabs get a bad rap, but a) I've never heard anyone complain about their construction, and b) I got some tones I was happy from mic'ing my old 5150 combo with stock speakers, and Daylight Dies' "Dismantling Devotion" was a Peavey Ultra 4x12, also with stock speakers. So by that logic, I would check out Peavey bass cabs, and they're bound to be a fantastic value! (as Peavey always is)
The newer peavey bass cabs are ok. It wouldn't be my first choice but they sound ok for the cash. My preference would be aggie, ampeg, and eden. Ampeg stuff is classic and you know what to expect. The 4x10's generally have horns so you 'll get better high end extension than with the fridge. IME the Aggie and Eden stuff will be a bit more hi-fi and responsive with better low end extension. I've owned SWR cabs before (goliath senior) I found that they sounded awesome solo'd but are too scooped to sit well in a mix. YMMV.
I would advise you not to try an Aguilar. Once you've heard one of them you'll never want anything else!
Other good ones: SWR Goliath III, Ashdown (ABM series 4x10), I'm not too fond of Ampeg myself (but that's probably because I have an Aguilar:D)
Another word of advice: make sure the tweater is switchabe / ajustable or not present, since bass tone with (a little) drive sounds awefull throgh tweaters.
I would advise you not to try an Aguilar. Once you've heard one of them you'll never want anything else!
Other good ones: SWR Goliath III, Ashdown (ABM series 4x10), I'm not too fond of Ampeg myself (but that's probably because I have an Aguilar:D)
Another word of advice: make sure the tweater is switchabe / ajustable or not present, since bass tone with (a little) drive sounds awefull throgh tweaters.
Which aggie are you rocking? I own the gs412 but I've used the 8x10 on tours and its incredible ( but heavy!).
My feeling on ampeg is that it doesn't sound ideal, but you always know where it will be in a mix and it's a totally standard, recognizable sound. One caveat to that is that I have only owned US built ampeg stuff. What I really love about the aggie stuff is it can do "that" but w/o all of the short comings.
Too many new cabs sound like they are engineered to perfect in store slap solos IMHO.
Which aggie are you rocking? I own the gs412 but I've used the 8x10 on tours and its incredible ( but heavy!).
My feeling on ampeg is that it doesn't sound ideal, but you always know where it will be in a mix and it's a totally standard, recognizable sound. One caveat to that is that I have only owned US built ampeg stuff. What I really love about the aggie stuff is it can do "that" but w/o all of the short comings.
Too many new cabs sound like they are engineered to perfect in store slap solos IMHO.

I have the DB810, indeed, ways a ton but sounds like 10 tons! :)
The amp is 700 W, so will need some cabinet that can handle 700 W.
What could happen if I use a 400 W?
Years in music and still I don't know much about watts/ohms as you may see.

I wouldn't sweat it dude, volume does the damage to speakers, not wattage, and we all know a 50 watt Marshall head will sound so much louder than a 120 watt Crate, for example - yet by that logic, it'd be safer to plug the Marshall into a 1x12 cab, but not the Crate! :loco: As long as it doesn't start farting out on you, you're good!