Need a Vocalist (Screams)


May 22, 2010
Mesa, AZ
I've got some songs that I'd really like to get finished, all instruments are tracked, but they're just missing vocals. I haven't done them in a while and I'm just too rusty to nail the tones I want to be on the songs. My friend, and previous vocalist in the band I wrote these songs for, wrote some killer lyrics for a few of them, but since they were never tracked and released, I'm not sure how he'd feel about someone else (besides me) using them, so if you can write your own lyrics, that'd be preferable. However, I'd like to stick to a similar vocal structure if possible (I can give you some demo tracks so you can get a feel of what it'd sound like).

I'll be honest, I'm going to be pretty picky on lyrics though, so perhaps we could collaborate a bit - I like lyrics that have some meaning to them and are a bit more abstract and make you think; maybe even a bit spiritual (though I don't necessarily mean in a Christian way). I definitely wouldn't mind passing along his lyrics to you so you can get a feel for what I mean, but I don't feel comfortable posting them on a public forum. I don't want lyrics that are just there to be as brutal as possible, nor do I want political crap.

I wish I could pay for your services, but I figured there might be some nice souls out there who would be willing to collaborate a bit, just for the sake of having some fun :D

The style, I guess is more of a metalcore type thing, though I'm not really going for anything specific here. The first song I've linked below was actually meant to be a parody of generic metal songs, and the extended, constantly-slowing breakdown was there just to be ridiculous. Unfortunately, I actually ended up liking the song when I was done :bah: Ending is Tragic.mp3 Hope is Lost.mp3

Please shoot me a PM if you might be interested! ;)