Need advice - my sample


Aug 31, 2001
Ok.. I hate working with fake drums.. I did this with a shitty software called BeatBox from Steinberg... I never did drum beats with other software and would definately need too... Should I use Nuendo?

Anyway.. here's my sample... guitars are done with a PodXT Live.


What do you guys think?

Guitars sound ace man! crisp, clear, good stuff..

Like you said, the drums are probably the weak spot here, and i agree... they are, not that bad though decadawn... just not huge enough to jam with the guitars if you'd ask me..

Suggestion, wait for eazydrummer or if you have expierence with drum processing or want to learn that, get the big boy DFHS.. ezdrummer is stripped, simpler, but like it say, easier as well.. might want to look into that..

What host do you have now?
Hey, you've got some nice melodies going on there! I like it!
I guess you did a good job concerning the programming of the drums however the drums lack a bit of "body" and sound somewhat in the background.
Try to get the drums more in the front with a bit more lowend and it will sound much better imho.
The cymbals are really the weakpoint. I don't see how Nuendo is going to fix that...How many samples do you have for cymbals? A good way of fixing that is to make sure that you're not hitting the same cymbal twice in a row. Not the best solution, but it works.
deca - nice riffing. VERY busy mix guitar wise - they are ALL over the place! quite ambitious. it sounds really chaotic and sporadic to me, but the ideas are great!