vintech x73 is really nice. for that much money you have alot of options. and most of them are really good. in that price range you could get some really good multichannel pres as well(true, api, etc.)FASTFISTS said:I need advice on a good mic pre.I have about $3000.buget.
FASTFISTS said:I need advice on a good mic pre.I have about $3000.buget.
FASTFISTS said:Its going to b my multi purpose mic pre.I am forsure getting a multi channel though.Trying to decide if I should sell my apogee AD-16 and buy the CraneSong-Spider.Its got 8 chanels on there with a/d converters that are sweeeeet!
Just cant decide if its worth all that extra coin.
I know its not going to turn me into Andy Sneap overnight but I am looking for a more polished sound.I currently have been using some Art GOLDTUBE and Platinum Focusrite stuff but I would like to bump it up a couple knotches!
I was looking at the Vintech 473.Supose to be a very nice neve replica.
API is another choice.Good bang for the old buck!
But then I stumbled apon Grace Designs 801 and well.
Damn there are way to many choices out there.
O.K. I list the ones im thinking of.Pick one and post your reasons why.
Here they are;
1)Vintech 473
2)Focusrite ISA 428
3)API 3124+
4)Amek 9098 Dual pre
5)Great River
6)SSL X-Logic
7)GraceDesign 801
8)And if I can rob a bank or take out a second mortgage(hahaha)the
Thanks Guys, Look forward to your replys!!~
cant go wrong with either the vintech or the api. great on just about everything. also if you want something clean and pretty uncolored, the true precision 8, is eight channels and really nice. in your price range as well.FASTFISTS said:How does it compare to the Vintech 473?
FASTFISTS said:How does it compare to the Vintech 473?
Razorjack said:Since the Spider is 8 channels, I personally think that $8000 is very reasonably priced.
FASTFISTS said:Is the Focusrite ISA 428 that bad?
Is it worth the upgrade to this pre?
Andy said he uses his control 24 mic pres (which are Focusrite) on demo stuff.Are they the same pres as the ISA 428?