Need advice on what drum samples to buy


May 19, 2012
Hello folks!
I've got tired of the samples i've been using lately so i'm planning on buying some new, mainly cymbals. The samples i used right now is: Joey sturgis snare 1, black and gold snare, detuned series toms, Chango FOP Kit samples(only like the snare and two cymbal of this kit) and i own a bunch of free cymbal samples and a kick i believe is from Steven slate.

I really like Sturgis drums so im planning on buying the Truth Custom Black & Gold complete kit, but since i already own that snare im not sure it's worth it. How is those toms and kick on that kit? Is it really worth paying 55$ for the complete kit instead of buying the Master One cymbals for 40$ since i already got the black and gold snare?
I'm planning on start using Kontakt 4, since i've been using Battery before but feel it's time to try something better.
What do u think?
In my opinion, the truth custom b&g kit is not good. I always have a lot of trouble getting it to fit into any style of music and it just doesn't sound good to me. Chango has some raw drum samples that might be pretty interesting to mess around with but I don't own them myself. Nick Scott also just put up some new samples on joey's website. It may cost a bit more but I'll vouch for steven slate drums any day of the week.
I tried the b&g snare but it sounds really thin and has some weird resonance to it, not nice. I've heard a lot of good things about the master one cymbals and joey sturgis cymbal packs in general though. How is them compared to Sgeven slate's? Ssd4 Ex only costs 79$ so its pretty cheap. Or do u have to buy platinum to get the good samples?
Joey's cymbals are all pretty good but the recording methods seemed a bit inconsistent so sometimes humanizing and fine-tuning velocities can be a real problem. SSD4 is really good, big improvement over 3.5, but you get a fairly small selection of sounds with EX. I would recommend platinum for versatility if you go that route.
Meeh, i have to think about getting the platinum. Im not a professional producer so $249 for drum samples is definitely not a piss in the nile (is that even a proverb?). Do you have any recommendations on snare samples that i should buy? I really like the snare in the Oceano album Joey produced:
I've tried to get that thick sounding snare by blending five different snare, those i've mentioned plus Snare 12A that i've found someone uploaded and the snare from:
It does sound pretty thick, but more of that boxy sound. Like the snare you hear in Chango's production, not the thick almost perfect sounding snare of Joey's earlier albums.
Maybe it's more of a EQ thing, im not sure :/
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Meeh, i have to think about getting the platinum. Im not a professional producer so $249 for drum samples is definitely not a piss in the nile (is that even a proverb?). Do you have any recommendations on snare samples that i should buy? I really like the snare in the Oceano album Joey produced:
I've tried to get that thick sounding snare by blending five different snare, those i've mentioned plus Snare 12A that i've found someone uploaded and the snare from:
It does sound pretty thick, but more of that boxy sound. Like the snare you hear in Chango's production, not the thick almost perfect sounding snare of Joey's earlier albums.
Maybe it's more of a EQ thing, im not sure :/

That snare is just the hardest possible velocity of snare 12a with not much in the way of processing. SSD samples are some of the best I've used, but there are a lot of other good ones out there. Daniel Braunstein of Volumes and Bermuda fame has his own kontakt samples too. just put up some new snares that sound pretty neat. There are a lot of options, it just depends on what you want. Personally I got SSD platinum because I wanted a variety of drum sounds.
I will check'em out :)

I made this cover of the beginning of the Oceano song to give you an demo of how it sounds. Do u have any recommendations of improvement? I used the snare 12A that i've found only blended with JS Snare 1 and just a small blend with the Ascendance bottom snare mic for more body. I also used a transient designer in Reaper to give it some more attack and less sustain. Let me know what u think :)

Sounds pretty good to me, similar to the original mix but a good departure from it. I might increase the sustain a little bit during the non-machine gun bits but that's just my taste. By the way do you have NKIs or TCIs of J's snare 1? I have it but I've been much too busy to sit down at my laptop and cram it all into a kontakt file lately...
Thanks mate :) I definitely agree to have more sustain after the blast beat thingy. I realized i played the guitar part a bit different from the original, plus i had to pitch them down 1 semitone ^^. Yes i have the .nki file for JS snare 1. Give me your email and i will send it.
I'd definitely say pick u Steven slate trigger instead of SSD

Gives you the flexibility to make your own TCI files and load other people's files.

Also I'd highly recommend joeys black and gold kit and the shoulder city toms.