Need advices - black metal mix


Black Metal
Sep 1, 2010

I'm currently mixing my black metal band's album. 1 nvo toms-03.mp3

This is my first mix and I'm having difficulties getting a decent sound...I'd like to have more defined and clear guitars but after having tried pretty every equalization this is the best I can do. Maybe I recorded it with too much distortion. Any idea / advice ?

I'd also like to have your opinion on the rest of the mix - I know it does not sound very good but this is the best I can do at the moment with the knowledge I have...

During the blasts, the guitars sound like they are lacking definition and fighting with the snare too much; there's too much verb or room sound on the snare during the blastbeats. However, I think the guitar tone works very well for the slower/mid-paced moments in the song. I can't comment much on the lowend as I'm listening on AKG K240's and they lack extension in the sub frequencies, but it sounds like the mix could use more lows on the bass guitar. And the kick sounds like it has too much click for my taste in black metal.

The overall mix is not bad at all; I prefer this, anyway -- more of a dirty and natural unpolished kind of mix when it comes to black metal. The song itself is very good.
Thanks for your inputs! I'm glad you like the song hehe.

I have tried cutting the reverb of the snare on the blast beats parts and you are right there is more room for the guitars. :kickass:
Concerning the kick which has too much click you've confirmed my personal feeling.

I find the toms sound like shit on some fast rollings. Did you notice it?
You're welcome. I'm interested in hearing more of this band/album. From what I remember, the tom rolls sounded fine to me. Maybe apply more compression and with a slower attack for the transients to come through.