Opeth are playing here in Antwerp (that's Belgium) on Wednesday, but being the dumbshit that I am, I only went to see if they were selling tickets today. They have obviously sold out. Just to ask if you reckon people will be selling tickets at the entrance. I shall cut my testicles off if I miss a fuckin' Opeth live experience.
Oh, and I bought myself Novembre's Dreams D'Azur today. Any good? Better than Novembrine Waltz? Haven't listened to it, as I also got the new SYL album. Kept a look out for Morningrise, but the buggers didn't have it
Oh, and I bought myself Novembre's Dreams D'Azur today. Any good? Better than Novembrine Waltz? Haven't listened to it, as I also got the new SYL album. Kept a look out for Morningrise, but the buggers didn't have it