need another ear! anyone want to help


New Metal Member
Apr 10, 2011
Hey guys! First thread on this forum! Anyways... my monitors died on me so I've been using crappy pc speakers as a reference point, mixing in mono. I'm open to any feedback!

Guitars:Schecter C1 Hellraiser-->Livewire Active DI-->Podfarm--->Ableton Live 8
Drums: Slate drums through Kontakt
Bass:-->generic no name bass-->Livewire Active DI-->Podfarm
Samples:Native Instruments FM8, Kontakt.

It's still a work in progress... I mix as a go and i have it through a mastering chain.. I use TrackS-3 on the master. Song.mp3
I don't know if it's the guitars that sound too middy, or what, but it's almost like it's got "...And Justice For All" syndrome, I know there's a bass guitar in there somewhere but it's almost impossible to hear for some reason.

Maybe the kick needs a hair more attack, and the snare sounds really phasey (is that even a word) sometimes?

Cool track though for sure, nice work!
I don't know if it's the guitars that sound too middy, or what, but it's almost like it's got "...And Justice For All" syndrome, I know there's a bass guitar in there somewhere but it's almost impossible to hear for some reason.

Maybe the kick needs a hair more attack, and the snare sounds really phasey (is that even a word) sometimes?

Cool track though for sure, nice work!
+1 Also the cymbals don't sound right to me, you could possibly fix that by randomizing the velocities a bit. Cool song though.
yeah it's tough working with a terrible reference point. i randomized the velocities to a minimum of 80 max at 110.. before it was at 100.. i could put a lpf on the cymbals. as far as guitar goes.. i did a hpf at 125hz a cut at 240hz. a did a small scoop from 1khz-3khz also another cut a 4khz and a lpf at 12khz. I want midrange bite on this track. a more poppy guitar tone if that makes sense. any suggestions?
oh and i do have a slight reverb on guitar.. i might take it out breakdowns.. it gives the guitars some air... thanks so much guys!