Need feedback! Death Metal-ish content (SD2.0, Amplitube)


Sep 26, 2010
Hey guys,

Just got Superior Drummer today and gave it a try: Division 666(2).mp3
EDIT: complete version added.

I kinda like the guitar sound, but not so sure the whole mix.
The kick seems to be a little boomy on the parts where it's going really fast. Any ideas how to fix that?

The guitar was quad tracked and panned hard left, hard right, 80% left and 80% right. The tone was created with Amplitube 3 and s-preshigh and guitarhack impulses.

How would you improve the the whole mix?

The guitar tone is pretty cool, don't dig the drums at all, everything is just really quiet on the drums except that god-awful hi-hat.
The guitar tone is pretty cool, don't dig the drums at all, everything is just really quiet on the drums except that god-awful hi-hat.

Thanks for the comment,

Didn't realize everything being really quiet on the drums. :err:
Might have to take a look on that again. Thanks for the hint.
And I think the hi-hat isn't really up to par, but the whole thing was
pretty much a testing thingy for Superior. :P

Anyone else have any comments?