Need feedback on a mix


Jan 31, 2006
I've got a preliminary sample for a band I'm mixing and I need some feedback on where I can improve. How are the instruments and the overall mix? No vocals have been added yet.

Its crappy 128 mp3 for soundclick. Also, I think the snare may be too loud but I'm not sure. I mastered with Waves LinMB and L3.

Click here
I think the mix sounds excellent...but I agree the snare should come down a bit. Very clear mix..all the tones sound great and don't step on each other at all and there's no mud. The performance could be a little tighter, but that's not your fault.

What did you use for guitars, btw?
I'd say all the acoustic drums except the kick could come up, and be less verbed out - they sound kinda distant, not very 'in your face.'

The click is a little too clicky/empty for my taste, I'd like to hear some more body/bottom to it.
Yeah I think I'll take down the snare a bit and lower the reverb send. As far as the guitars, I think the guitars were reamped with a Mesa Boogie rectifier. I did not track the guitars, I just mixed them. The miced guitar provides the low end and the PODxt provides the high end.
If I remember correctly:

Guitar Right - Splawn Quickrod
Guitar Left - Dual-Rect

Pod Tones:
Guitar Right - Treadplate Splatt
Guitar Left - Diabolic

I'm really not sure about the pod tones. During tracking, we honestly didn't care. It was more for reference. I now know that the POD tracks are useful too.
The performance could be a little tighter, but that's not your fault.

Myself and the band agrees. Their next CD will be entirely tracked to a click. This was a forced & quick tracking session to get them back on track.

The band was supposed to have this completed a long time ago but their last tracking session did not go as expected. Unfortunately, we made a few mistakes while rushing to get the tracking completed. Luckily, Matt is really good about cleaning up my mistakes. :notworthy