need good midi piano


Mar 23, 2006
Fox Lake, IL
Hey all. I have a band coming in this week and all we have left to do is lay a couple of piano parts. All they have is a cheap keyboard that doesn't sound that great. It has a midi out and my mackie spike has a midi in. What would be a good program to simulate piano. I am new to recording midi so this will be interesting. Any input would be appriciated. Thanks.
Check out the MDA Piano, it's not anything stellar, but it's damn good for being free.

Go to VST Synth, and then you'll see the link for mda Piano and mda ePiano.

Good luck.

Native instuments Akoustik piano for one
Steinberg The Grand (memory hog though)
or East West symphonic orchestra silver... Full orchestral but also a really cool piano included.

Midi keyboard, i use an M-audio keystation 49... solid as hell, cheap and does the job perfectly.
worst comes to worst,
post me the midi track and i'll wack iot thru the piano on ew symphonic orchestra for you