Need help chosing preamp


I'm going to buy a guitar preamp, mainly to have when I write riffs but it's of course also great if I can use it for other stuff as well. I've narrowed it down to the following:

Line6 Pod 2.0
Behringer V-Amp
Yamaha DG-Stomp

I will buy it second hand and I don't want to spend a fortune on something so trivial. So, any suggestions??

Edit: I also want to get a pretty decent soundcard with a breakout box. Would like some suggestions for that too! Not too expensive.
Don't buy POD 2.0, it's outdated and sounds crap IMO...
I suppose most here will recommend PodXT with Metal Pack installed for additional $50 and I'll join their recommendations. :grin:
V-Amp is as plastic sounding as POD2, don't know about DG Stomp...
What about those little Zoom pedals that came out last year? The G2 I think. I've got a Zoom distortion and it's heavy as hell, perfect for Meshuggah-type sounds.

You can get one new with an expression pedal for 155 Euros or without for about 100 - THIS is the cheaper one. If you look on eBay you can probably find them cheaper.


EDIT: Oh, and soundcard-wise the M-Audio Delta 44 springs to mind, but I don't really know of any others.
tgs said:
I'm going to buy a guitar preamp, mainly to have when I write riffs but it's of course also great if I can use it for other stuff as well. I've narrowed it down to the following:

Line6 Pod 2.0
Behringer V-Amp
Yamaha DG-Stomp

I will buy it second hand and I don't want to spend a fortune on something so trivial. So, any suggestions??

Edit: I also want to get a pretty decent soundcard with a breakout box. Would like some suggestions for that too! Not too expensive.
what about the line 6 toneport. you can get all the xt cabs and amps on it plus all the extra packs(metal pack, etc.). its the best in your price range.
unsilpauly said:
i think the more money you spend the more knobs you get:lol: . anyway more knobs can be found in the software that controls it(gearbox).

Yeah, and that's exactly what I want to avoid. I want something I can just sit with in the living room with a pair of headphones. I'll record my ideas on the computer I guess but I really want something that I can just turn on and play. Thanks for the tip though!
I understand not wanting to blow a bunch of money, but IMO if you buy something really cheap you're going to want something that sounds better six months from now.