Need help for my mix


New Metal Member
Nov 13, 2009
Hi guys!
First of all I've got to say: Great forum with incredibly talented musicians and producers! :worship:
At the moment I'm working on my own Black Metal Project, but allthough I've tried many of the tips and presets posted in this forum it doesn't sound anything like the cool mixes here (I'm one of the few BM-playing guys who want a clean and tight sound :D).
Here's an example: (I know: Bass is too loud and drums should be louder).
Is there anyone willing to give me some hints on how to get a proper mix for this or even willing to remix it so that I know what I'm doing wrong?

Thanx in advance!:headbang:
I would try to bring out the midrange of the drums a little more they are real bright (too much bright hat and overheads)

it also takes quite a while to get going imo
First, try panning the guitars 100% left and right, it will widen the whole mix a lot (not sure if thats what you did for some parts, but it sounds like theres a whole bunch of stuff in the center some of the time). If you want a cleaner sound, try easing off on the effects on the vocals and make them pop out a bit more. Bass drum could use a bit more click probably.

Also, I'm listening on cheap headphones right now, so take what I say with a grain of salt.