Need help from a member of metal heads dc++ hub, Mike? Erik? Jerry?


Oct 10, 2001
They rebooted the hub and after that I can't get in because they say I got the wrong password.

Can anyone do me a favour and check if you can get into the hub, then ask a mod to check my account what could be wrong?

[BBB]Tranquillian is my nick
Sorry, I'd help out if I could but I don't even know the address of that hub (but I'd sure like to - need to fill up my new hdd with kool heavy metals)
I can get in now, it was only a temp ban of some kind.
The hub doesn't accept new members at the moment.
I am one of the last surviving members of the Sublevels hub and I occasionally frequent the grind hub as well.
I'm sorry to dig up such an old thread but what happened with this hub?
It was always great, I was a registered user but now when I connect:
[16:32] *** Bezig met verbinding te maken met <>...
[16:32] *** Verbonden
<-OneEyedWilly-> YnHub version: 1.036 produced by Yoshi, Nev and Todi.
<-CORE-> Current user count: 132 after 16:08:10 uptime
<-CORE-> Current sharesize is: 410.50 TiB
<-OneEyedWilly-> This is a registered users only hub
[16:32] *** Verbroken
[16:32] *** Bezig met verbinding te maken met <You shall not pass! Try to ask for an account>...