Need help. How do 6 amps and 1 cab?


Jun 2, 2010
Brasília - Brazil

Hello guys, i'm not shure if this have been posted before (i don't remember seen about it even on the wall of doom topic), but I'll start here.
I have 7 different guitar heads that I routinely run to one or two 4X12 guitar cabs.
I would like to find an amp selector so I can just turn all the amps at once and push a button and select a different head, verses disconnecting speaker cable, etc.
Does anyone knows something that can do this?
I saw this:

But I am afraid I'll need some loadboxes to the other amps.

Thanks for the help

hey man sorry i dont have the time to check right now but youre best bet is something custom; CAE does indeed make some great stuff and there are plenty of other options if you go the custom route (company wise i mean) or check if radial or rjm has something of that kind. YHou can also contact a rig designer such as Dave Friedman
